
ERITS 이화여자대학교 통역번역연구소는 국내통역번역학 정착에 기여하고 세계적 경쟁력을 갖추겠습니다.

Revised on March 20 2017





Section 1. Bylaws of the Editorial Board


Article 1 (Name and composition)

1. According to Article 13 of the Institute Regulations, the Editorial Board (hereinafter “Board”) is organized to review matters related to the editing and publication of journals and books; to chart the course of the academic journal that is periodically published by the Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (hereinafter “Institute”), in addition to submitting and reviewing papers for the journal and; to implement tasks related to the editing and publishing of selected articles. The Board shall consist of at least five members both from within and out of the university appointed by the director of the Institute. The chairperson shall be elected by mutual vote among the members.

2. The term of the Board members shall be two years and with consecutive terms allowed. However, in case of a new member who was appointed to fill a vacancy, the term shall last for the remaining of the predecessor’s term. In order to take care of administrative matters for the Board, a secretary shall be designated to take and keep minutes of the Board.


Article 2 (Function)

1. The Board shall determine the criteria for article submission and review.

2. The chairperson shall request the selection of reviewers for papers submitted. The Board shall refer to the review results and made the final decision on whether to publish the paper. The Board shall meet periodically but members can submit a written letter to count as attendance. Resolutions shall be made by an affirmative vote from over the majority of the attending members.


Sections 2. Bylaws for Publication Review


Article 3 (Submission of paper)

1. Submission of papers is possible until the last day that was announced. The chairperson shall immediately upon arrival of the submitted paper, confirm the receipt of the paper and send confirmation to the submitter.

2. Papers that do not adhere to rules regarding submission or composition shall not be accepted.


Article 4 (Procedures)

1. The reviewers are selected primarily from Board members who are professional experts with outstanding academic record in the relevant field of study. Contributors to the journal for which papers are currently being evaluated shall be excluded from the pool of reviewers.

2. Each paper submitted shall be given to at least two undisclosed reviewers to be evaluated. Only when two or more reviewers decide to accept the paper, either unconditionally or upon condition of revision, shall the paper be published based upon the final decision by the Board.

3. Each reviewer shall evaluate the papers following the guidelines for filling out an evaluation form included in the request form for review. He or she shall describe in detail the grounds for his or her evaluation.

4. The results of the evaluation shall be notified to the authors immediately by the Institute under its name.


Article 5 (Criteria for evaluation)

1. Submitted papers shall be evaluated in a fair and strict manner with the following criteria.

① Originality: The contents and subject of the paper must be new and original, not having been published elsewhere either domestically or abroad.

② Logic: The composition and flow of the paper must be logical and clear.

③ Appropriacy: The paper must contain creative and new critique, analysis and proposal regarding the field of research on translation and interpreting, be appropriate for the research methods and in accordance with the submission rules.

④ Academic contribution: The paper must be able to contribute to guiding and developing the research on translation and interpreting.


Article 6 (Book Review and PhD Thesis Abstract)

1. For the purpose of disseminating T&I research results and encouraging research efforts by young researchers, book reviews and PhD thesis abstracts may be published in the journal without being subjected to any official review process.


Section 3. Publication Rules


Article 7 (Name) These provisions are the publication rules for the Institute’s journal, T&I Review.


Article 8 (Purpose) These provisions determine the publication process of the Institute’s journal, T&I Reviewand regulate related tasks.


Article 9 (Publication date) T&I Reviewis published once annually on 30 June, but the number of publication can be increased depending on need.


Article 10 (Publisher) The publisher of the journal T&I Reviewshall be the president of the Institute.

Article 11 (Copyrights) Submitted papers shall not be returned regardless of whether they have been published or not. Copyrights to the articles published in this journal are shared by the author and the Institute. Copyrights include the right of reproduction and the right of transmission. Therefore, should anyone intend to republish the paper in its entirety or in part, he or she should obtain the consent of the author and the Institute in advance.


Article 12 (Format) The format of the journal is as follows.

1. On the front cover of the journal, the title should be stated in Korean and in English. The issue number, publishing entity and its logo, the date and the month and year of publication and the ISSN should also be marked.

2. The journal must contain a table of contents, a list of keywords, academic papers, guidelines for papers (Bylaws of the Editorial Board and for Peer Review, submission rules, academic research ethic rules) and the list of editors.

3. At the end of each published paper, the date of contribution, the date of submission of an amended version after notification of evaluation results and the date of acceptance should be stated.



Section 4 Other Provisions


Article 13 (Responsibilities)

1. Author’s responsibilities: The ultimate responsibility for any issues that occurred while writing the paper lies with the author. The evaluation is to be done anonymously so any personal information of the author should not be revealed.

2. Reviewer’s responsibilities: The reviewer needs to put forth a judgment on the academic value of the paper being reviewed along with the evidence for such judgment, as well as point out any errors or issues and suggest points of improvements. When needed, the reviewer can consult other experts for advice. The Board and the reviewer acknowledges the author’s copyrights on the paper and cannot use the paper in its entirety or in part without the consent of the author in advance. Also, when evaluating a paper, the reviewer shall not make any personal attacks on the author or use insulting expressions.



These by-laws shall become effective immediately upon their adoption.


Bylaws of the Editorial Board and for Publication Review

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