· Brendan M. Howe, GSIS, Ewha Womans University (Chief Editor)
sdfrrHanna Jun, GSIS, Ewha Womans University (Associate Editor)
o Brendan M. Howe, [Chief], GSIS, Ewha Womans University
Hanna Jun, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
Yongjeen Cho, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
rrrrrrAmitav Acharya, American University
Paul Diehl, University of Texas-Dallas
Tsuneo Akaha, Middlebury Institute of International studies at Monterey
Byungil Choi, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
Vesselin Popovski, Jindal Global Law School
Kerry Brown, King's College
o Ren Xiao, Fudan University
o Ramesh Thakur, Australian National University
Sorpong Peou, Ryerson University
o Thomas Kalinowski, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
Andrew Williams, University of St. Andrews
Daniel Pinkston, Troy University
M. Ramesh, National University of Singapore
Christian Schafferer, Overseas Chinese University
Robert Kelly, Busan National University
Toshio Yamagishi, Hitotsubashi University
o Eunmee Kim, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
Jonghoon Kim, University of Incheon
Janghee Yoo, Ewha Womans University
o Junghoon Moon, Seoul National University
Boris Kondoch, Far East University
o Kisuk Cho, GSIS, Ewha Womans University
o Kiwoong Yang, Hallym University
o Sungbin Ko, Jeju National University
Mason Richey, Hankuk University
Mustafa Izzuddin, National University of Singapore
Devin Joshi, Singapore Management University
o Changyong Park, Andong National University
o Choong Yong Ahn, Economics, Chung‐Ang University
o Sung-Joo Han, Political Science, Korea University
o Won Tack Hong, Economics, Seoul National University
o Cae‐One Kim, Economics, Seoul National University
o Dalchoong Kim, Political Science, Yonsei University
o Jung Sun Kim, Sociology, Ewha Womans University
o Un‐Jong Pak, Law, Seoul National University
o Im Soo Yoo, Economics, Ewha Womans University
o Se Hee Yoo, Political Science, Hanyang University
· Claude Barfield, American Enterprise Institute, USA
· Geza Feketekuty, Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA
· Shinichi Ichimura, International Center for the Study of East Asian Development, Japan
· Lawrence B. Krause, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, UC San Diego, USA
· Hugh T. Patrick, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia U., USA
· Robert Solomon, The Brookings Institution, USA
· Robert M. Stern, U. of Michigan, USA