
Colloquium 게시판 목록
No. Title Writer Date Hits File
17 17th colloquium - Sociopolitical landscape of post-conflict reconstruction of Cambodia  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 782 -
16 16th colloquium - Women, Social Capital, and Social Entrepreneurship  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 784 파일아이콘
15 15th colloquium - Who Mimics Whom in the Equity Fund Market? Evidence from the Korean Equity Fund Market  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 789 파일아이콘
14 14th Colloquium - Governance in Korea’s Foreign Aid: Continuity and Changes after the Institutional Reforms for its Aid  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 829 파일아이콘
13 13th Colloquium - The Dynamic Relationship between State and Civil Society in the Development of Social Economy in South Korea  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 740 파일아이콘
12 12th Colloquium - Altruism and Reciprocity: Evidence and Implication  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 918 파일아이콘
11 11th Colloquium - Current social enterprise issued & Policies in Korea  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 935 파일아이콘
10 10th Colloquium - Building Social Capital Through Collaborative Networks Among Social Venture, NGO, and Academia: The Case of AtRium  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 800 파일아이콘
9 9th Colloquium - Ownership in Swedish Development Aid: Social Capital Implications for Aid Effectiveness  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 847 파일아이콘
8 8th Colloquium - 'South Korea and Vietnam as Middle Powers: National Identity and Geopolitics'  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 921 파일아이콘
7 7th Colloquium - Interest-Group Politics and American Pluralism: Case of American Jewish  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 885 파일아이콘
6 6th Colloquium - Beyond Bilateralism in Northeast Asia:  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 804 파일아이콘
5 5th Colloquium - Core-Periphery Segregation in Evolving Prisoner's Dilemma Networks  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 832 파일아이콘
4 4th Colloquium - Sources of Dem0nstartion in South Korea: Disaffected radicalism vs. Social Capital  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 912 파일아이콘
3 3th Colloquium - Contending Ideas and Sustainable Development in Africa  국제통상협력연구소 2017-08-16 807 -
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