


논문 관리
번호 저자명 논문명 저널 링크 파일
27 Maxim Finkelstein, JiHwan Cha, Stochastic modeling of quality of systems operating in a heterogeneous environment Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 2019년 1월 호
26 Seunggyu Lee, Jaemin Shin, Energy stable compact scheme for Cahn-Hilliard equation with periodic boundary condition Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2019년 1월 호
25 Jaekeun Yoo, Analysis of microarray right-censored data through fused sliced inverse regression SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019년 10월 호
24 Keunbaik Lee, Yuri Choi, Hyeyoon Choi, Jaekeun Yoo, On fused dimension reduction in multivariate regression CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 2019년 10월 호
23 Keunbaik Lee, Yuri Choi, Hyeyoon Choi, Jaekeun Yoo, On fused dimension reduction in multivariate regression CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 2019년 10월 호
22 Byungjoon Lee, Gangjoon Yoon, Chohong Min, A semi-implicit and unconditionally stable approximation of the surface tension in two-phase fluids JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2019년 11월 호
21 Jieun Lee, Eungil Ko, Jongrak Lee, Multiplication and Toeplitz Operators on the Generalized Derivative Hardy Space COMPLEX ANALYSIS AND OPERATOR THEORY 2019년 11월 호
20 Ji Eun Lee, Eungil Ko, Jongrak Lee, Multiplication and Toeplitz Operators on the Generalized Derivative Hardy Space Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2019년 11월 호
19 Byungjoon Lee, Chohong Min, A Semi-implicit and Unconditionally Stable Approximation of the Surface Tension in Two-phase Fluids Journal of Computational Physics 2019년 11월 호
18 Icksun Eum, Hoyun Jung, On some automorphic properties of Galois traces of class invariants from generalized Weber functions of level 5 Open Mathematics 2019년 12월 호

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