


논문 관리
번호 저자명 논문명 저널 링크 파일
43 Bora Jeong, Jiwon Seo, Heewon Kim, Min,Chohong, An Experiment of the Malkus–Lorenz Waterwheel and Its Measurement by Image Processing Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 2017년 1월 호
42 Junseok Kim, Shin,Jaemin, An unconditionally gradient stable numerical method for the Ohta-Kawasaki model Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2017년 1월 호
41 Jungyun Lee, Hi-joon Chae, Byungheup Jun, Higher Hickerson formula Journal of number theory 2017년 1월 호
40 Hyun Jin Kim, Lee,Yoonjin, t-CIS codes over GF(p) and orthogonal covering arrays Discrete Applied Mathematics 2017년 1월 호
39 Mee-Jung Lee, Ko,Eungil, Local spectral property of relatively regular operators Mathematical Inequalities and applications 2017년 1월 호
38 Hyun Geun Lee, Lee,June-Yub, Shin,Jaemin, Unconditionally stable methods for gradient flow using Convex Splitting Runge-Kutta scheme J. Comp. Phys 2017년 10월 호
37 Hyunju Lee, Cha,Ji Hwan, Reliability sampling plan for repairable items following general failure process and its statistical analysis Statistics 2017년 10월 호
36 Hyunju Lee, Gianpaolo Pulcini, Cha,Ji Hwan, Modeling Discrete Bivariate Data with Applications to Failure and Count Data Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2017년 10월 호
35 F.G. Badia, Cha,Ji Hwan, Multivariate reliability modelling based on dependent dynamic shock models Applied Mathematical Modelling 2017년 11월 호
34 Lee,Jong Rak, Hyponormality of block Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman spaces Acta Math. Sci. 2017년 11월 호

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