


차지환님의 사진입니다.
교수명 차지환 (Cha Ji Hwan)
전화번호 02-3277-6856
홈페이지 http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~jhcha/
이메일 jhcha@ewha.ac.kr
논문 목록
번호 저자명 논문명 저널 링크 파일
50 Cha,Ji Hwan F.G. Badia, M.D. Berrade, Hyunju Lee Optimal replacement policy under a general failure and repair model: Minimal versus Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2018년 8월 호
49 Cha,Ji Hwan Hyunju Lee A bivariate optimal replacement policy for a system subject Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 2018년 8월 호
48 Cha,Ji Hwan Maxim Finkelstein, Gregory Levitin On optimal replacement of systems with failure rates Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2018년 8월 호
47 Cha,Ji Hwan Hyunju Lee A dynamic bivariate common shock model with Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2018년 8월 호
46 Cha,Ji Hwan Maxim Finkelstein On some characteristics of quality for Journal of Risk and Reliability 2018년 8월 호
45 Cha,Ji Hwan Massimiliano Giorgio Modelling of Marginally Regular Bivariate Counting Process and its Application to Shock Model Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 2018년 8월 호
44 Cha,Ji Hwan Maxim Finkelstein New failure and minimal repair processes for repairable systems in a random environment Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 2018년 8월 호
43 Cha,Ji Hwan Hyunju Lee A new general class of discrete bivariate distributions constructed by using the likelihood ratio Statistical Papers 2018년 8월 호
42 Cha,Ji Hwan Maxim Finkelstein On a New Shot Noise Process and the Induced Survival Model Methodology and Computing in Applied Probabilit 2018년 8월 호
41 Cha,Ji Hwan Maxim Finkelstein, Gregory Levitin Optimal mission abort policy for partially repairable heterogeneous systems European Journal of Operational Research 2018년 7월 호


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