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Great School, Great University, Great Research
The graduate program in the Department of Communication and Media was created with a strong focus on research so students can systematically learn about and independently research their interests in the communications field. Our goal is to foster students with expertise and independent research skills with a curriculum that places a strong focus on leadership and originality. The Graduate Program is split into a Masters, Doctorate, and combined Masters and Doctorate program. As an independent Masters program, students are able to decide on a concrete topic of interest when writing their thesis.

The Doctorate Program has students declare a specific field of study upon admission, and proceed to learn in-depth about that field during their studies. In order to increase students’ focus on their research, before graduation we require students to submit and publish theses in two external academic journals. Although we place no restriction on students’ undergraduate majors for admission, those who majored in fields outside of communications and media are required to take credits in courses to supplement their knowledge in the field.

The majority of our graduates move on to positions as communications and media scholars, professors, journalists, public opinion research specialists, advertisement/public relation/marketing experts, media policy analysts, and a variety of professions throughout the communications field.


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  • Introduction