Required Courses





Communication and Society

This course aims to help the learners acquire basic understanding of media. It explores the relationship between media and society in social, cultural, industrial and political point of view. 

34691 Media Research Method Learning methodology used for mass communication study and studying methodology in science/philosophy/logic/application aspects. Studying characteristic and types of scientific analyzation in the mass communication phenomenon and learning how literature review, survey, lab study, historical presentation, case study, evaluation of policies can be used in mass communication field.

Shared Electives (All Tracks)




37540 Media Writing and Speech  Learn and practice about one of the most important communication skills in modern society, media writing and speech. This course covers a wide range of writings from official text, public speech and lecture to instant speech. Based on communication theory, students will learn about the importance of the roles of writing and speaking to become an effective, adaptive communicator in various situations.


Media Technology and Society

Discussions of the characteristics of information society through the scope of the connection between society and new media, including industrial and legal topics involved in each type of media.


Psychological Approach to Mass Communication

A study of various communications processes from a psychological standpoint, and the fundamental principles and basic concepts behind them, along with analysis of the relation between psychology and mass communication.


Theories in Visual Communication

Taking a closer look at the characteristics of the visual elements involved in mass media, with a focus on the various ways people understand and decode images and other visual media.


Introduction to Digital Media Environment

A course aiming to improve students’ understanding of media aesthetics in the new media environment created by the introduction of digital technology, including introduction to theories involving the characteristics of digital texts, the similarities and differences in story telling within the old and new media environments, and how users receive and interact with media, allowing students to critically analyze the digital media they access.


Human Communication

An introduction of the various theories about human communication. Students will learn about various topics surrounding interpersonal communication, like self-consciousness, awareness and motivation, language, and non-verbal communication, allowing them to become more effective communicators in their own lives.


Journalism and Society

Students examine a variety of topics and problems surrounding journalism within Korean society, with a focus on how Korean media has influenced political change.


Understanding Advertising

A study of the principles of marketing and the socio-economic value of advertisements, including some problems it may bring. Students will systematically learn the academic and practical knowledge needed to improve their overall understanding of advertising.


Public Relations & Communication

A look into the principles and theories involved in public relations and the practical strategies utilized in public relations across various media. The course includes a focus on the analysis of case studies on how public relations affects public opinion.


Introduction to Broadcasting

An introduction to the basic concepts of broadcasting and the effects it has on people’s attitudes and society as a whole. Students also will also study the various problems surrounding broadcast media, and what technological advances means for broadcast media.


Philosophy of Journalism

The main goal of this course is to instill students with an understanding of the philosophy and value of journalism through their reading, papers, and class discussions. Focus will be placed on how western philosophy is linked to and influences journalism.


Theories of Mass Communication 

A study on a variety of mass communication theories popular through the years on how the various players in mass communication and the effects it has on society, aimed to instill students with a more thorough understanding of mass media phenomena.


Philosophy and Meaning Making

Communication comes from understanding phenomena through observation and creating meaning from that. The production of broadcast media involves expressing situations in a broader sense, and to do that one must first learn to find meaning from their observations of phenomena in the real world.


Introduction to Interactive Media

A theoretical course focused on the various forms, effects, and designs of interactive media, such as the internet, mobile phones, and video games. After studying the meaning of interactivity and the history of interactive media, students will then look closer at the various forms of interactive media in use today and the effects it has had on communication. 


Global Communication

This course covers a wide variety of issues surrounding global communication, such as the new information and communication order, cultural imperialism, and the global media market, in hopes students will further analyze a variety of concepts pertinent to our information-oriented society.


Speech Techniques for Broadcasting

This is for students who want to be a future broadcaster. Will learn about standard pronunciation, vocalization, breathing and logical speaking. Along with theoretical studies, practical broadcasting exercises such as Newscaster, MC and reporter will take place. 


Debates and Argumentation

This course aims to help students understand the issues facing our society and acquire the persuasive skills needed to effectively argue either side of the issues in a debate setting.


Media and Gender

The media plays a large part in women’s daily lives. This course allows students to view the relationship between women and the media from a variety of standpoints based around feminist and mass communication theory. 


Intercultural Communication

Through this course, students will learn the basic concepts of intercultural communication and the value, linguistic, non-verbal, and communication issues that arise in international communication. 

Journalism Track Electives





Intermediate News Reporting & Writing

Through this course students will learn a variety of techniques and the ethical issues that could arise when covering ongoing stories that require more thorough coverage and information gathering. Basic News Reporting and Writing (36033) is a prerequisite to this class, and the professor plans to individually meet students planning to take this course prior to course registration.


News reporting and Writing

A course for students who would like to learn the techniques required in English journalism, this class will introduce basic concepts required in journalism, including journalistic writing, news formatting, news gathering techniques, and editing. The course material is more in-depth than the introductory classes, and as such is intended for students looking to improve their expertise in the field. Students who have lived overseas are also allowed to take this course.


Basic News Reporting & Writing

Students begin by learning the basic ideas of what a news article is, followed by what makes up a news article, characteristics of news writing, and the basic knowledge needed in news writing. This is a practical course, and students are required to write each week.


Broadcast News Reporting & Writing

This course is based around the skills needed to write for broadcast news and the practical applications of such in preparing a radio broadcast. A focus is placed on the weekly writing, which is intended to help students understand the differences between the writing needed for broadcast news as compared to standard news articles. Prerequisite: Basic News Reporting & Writing (36033)


Computer-Assisted Reporting

Through the combination of computers and communications services, computers have emerged as a powerful tool when it comes to news reporting. This course teaches students the skills required to properly utilize the internet for their writing. Students learn how to fact check using data bases, about digital newspapers and the state of online reporting in Korea, as well as take part in small group reporting projects.


Desktop Publishing

Students learn the design techniques required of desktop publishing, such as the usage of typography, graphs, and photographs, and the current trends and theories in graphic communication. Students will get hands-on experience in the planning, writing, and editing processes required for newspaper publishing. Enrollment is limited to students who have taken Basic News Reporting and Writing (36033) and other reporting classes.


Advanced News Reporting & Writing

This is an advanced news writing course for students who have a high level of spoken and written English. Teaching is through an intensive series of advanced, practical writing projects. After a brief review of spot news techniques, the focus moves quickly on to news features and interviews. Students will be given external assignments and will also have to find their own news stories.


Freedom of Expression & Press Ethics

This course teaches the meaning of freedom of expression from a constitutional perspective and the responsibility it carries. We will cover how the press’s freedom of expression can cause harm to the benefit and protection of the law as it is given to the individual, society, and the entire country, as well as look into how to find balance between these. Students will discuss journalism and press ethics through a variety of case studies.


Journalism Critique

This course aims to instill students with the ability to critique news from a variety of media. Students will learn the different views and theories on journalism critique, the effect news holds on social meaning, politics, and public opinion, as well as the issues faced in news production and the entire press industry.


Political Communication

This course covers the role relations between the media and politics through a variety of theoretical standpoints. A focus will be put on the positive and negative influences that old media, like newspaper, broadcast, and magazines, and new media have on politics.


Advanced Broadcast News Production

As a course to improve studentsabilities in broadcast news production, students will focus on longer news features rather than spot reporting, learning how to produce a variety of news reports through practical experience. Broadcast News Reporting & Writing (33285) is a prerequisite to this course.


Individual Communications Research – Capstone Design

 This course is done by team project. Basing on media major’s theory, it is planned and executed independently by students to develop their creativity, field-knowledge, teamwork and leadership. This is for students who took all courses that they need in required courses and shared electives. They will choose their study topics and will finish the project regarding capstone design until the end of semester. The final project includes academic studies based on communication theory, media creation based on practical media studies and internship reports.


Communications Internship 1

 Combining communication theories and applying them in the real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 4 weeks(160days)


Communications Internship 2

Combining communication theories and applying them into real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 8 weeks(480days)

Relations/Strategic Communication Track Electives





PR Writing, Production & Digital Media

Students learn the basics in writing and content production for public relations. A variety of publications, such as news releases, manual reports, brochures, fact sheets, company newsletters, interviews, etc. will be covered in details, along with the basic computer publishing skills required to create them.


Creative Strategy for Advertising

This course aims to teach students a variety of creative theories and strategies required to create effective advertisements. A focus will be placed on the creative strategies and expressions used to achieved the desired effect from advertising.


Advertising and Consumer Psychology

This course aims to improve students understanding of consumers cognitions, emotions, and behaviors as affected by corporate marketing and advertisement. Students will learn the internal and external factors that influence consumers decision making processes and how marketing can be used to influence these factors, so they can apply this knowledge to the creation of marketing strategies and advertisements.


Planning of Advertising Media

Students will learn to select the proper media for the desired effect of their advertising scientifically and creatively through theoretical and practical knowledge of advertising in the new media age.


Advertising Management

A course covering the planning of advertising and promotional programs. Students will create their own advertising plans with the knowledge they gain from analyzing case studies covering the various challenges that arise in advertising, including goal setting, creative decision making, and media planning.


Advertising Copywriting

This is a practical course covering the creation of effective copies for advertisement. Students practice creating their own advertising through deciding on advertising strategies, planning campaigns, and creating their own copy


Corporate Communication

This course allows students to study the communication characteristics and corporate value management of successful companies. It covers the theories involved in corporate reputation and their relation to public relations. Students will gain the ability to manage these public relations through the study of successful Korean and international companies.


Advertising and PR Research Methods

This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to research the information and statistics necessary to create effective advertisement and public relations strategies. After learning basic research strategies, students will then discuss the application of these strategies and the current trends in the field of advertising.


Government Public Relations

This course covers the communications strategies necessary in political and administrational situations. A focus will be placed on the campaigns, communication with locals, CI, and events required of local administrative agencies. Students will also study the communications processes involved in political campaigns and managing public opinion.


Advertising Campaigns

Students study the planning and implication of advertising campaigns through practical experience. Students form groups to act as advertising companies, working together to conduct market research, campaign planning, and creative advertising for existing products and services.


Advertising & Society

The industrial characteristics of advertising can unintentionally negatively influence individuals or small groups in society. Students will study the social and ethical issues of advertising as a social institution and learn about the regulations in place to minimize these negative effects.


International and Intercultural Public Relations

 Students need to have basic knowledge in promotion theory and campaign strategy, as this course goes without explanation of basic theories. In this class, students will learn about worldwide promotion, intercultural promotion and the technical skills that follow. Specifically, it deals with multi-cultural communication theory, understanding and adapting to cultural differences and practically executing international promotion campaign.


Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution

 This course is for students who already have an understanding in promotion. It deals with crisis management, which is crucial in promotion. Crisis management includes issue management, crisis acknowledgement, prevention, preparation, settling down and restoring the issue, evaluation and education. This course deals with integrated and relationship-management aspect.


Public Relations and Society

 Takes a view of PR theory and activities in social aspects. With rhetorical and critical approach, it studies how PR activities such as crisis management, press relation, community relations, reputation management, employee communication, consumer communication, stakeholder relation, government-press relation can be interpreted in total society.


Internet Communications & Strategy

 In this course, theories will be studied and the students will be allowed to exercise how to use interactive media, which is a new advertisement method. With executing strategy communication campaign, students can learn the roles and functions of strategy communication in new media society.


Individual Communications Research – Capstone Design

This course is done by team project. Basing on media major’s theory, it is planned and executed independently by students to develop their creativity, field-knowledge, teamwork and leadership. This is for students who took all courses that they need in required courses and shared electives. They will choose their study topics and will finish the project regarding capstone design until the end of semester. The final project includes academic studies based on communication theory, media creation based on practical media studies and internship reports.


Communications Internship 1

Combining communication theories and applying them in the real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 4 weeks(160days)


Communications Internship 2

Combining communication theories and applying them into real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 8 weeks(480days)

Digital & Visual Media Track Electives





Multimedia & Web Production

 With the basic understanding of visual art and video art, it cultivates student’s interest and flexible thinking in creating art. With various exercise of computer skills, students can understand and learn new ways to create visual art and be adaptive and creative. With the media sources such as text, sound, image, video and animation, students can produce their own DVD-Rom title or Web site.  


Practice of Photography

 Taking a photo and finding a way to produce it will be the very first and important step for your Digital & Visual Media Track’s course. You will learn the basic theory of taking a photo along with practical exercises such as appreciating the works, ways to use a camera, taking a shot, producing news photo and working in darkroom.


Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is using various digital media such as picture, audio, films and making a story out of it. This course helps you select the topic of your work suitable for modern society and collect the data and learn efficient ways of communication that can be applied to your digital storytelling work.


Television Production

 Studies the production of visual media (especially designing TV program, coming up with new ideas, planning programs, and writing scripts) and make a real TV program with equipment used for TV production.


Digital Video Special Effects

 Acquire the basic technique of Non Liner editing using filming and video sources, and deepen the knowledge of editing technique. With the understanding of each visual languages’ differences and connections, learn the usage of basic equipments.


Human and Computer Interaction


Documentary Production

 With video technique, students will learn all procedures required in making a documentary production including planning the works, research, filming, editing and post-production.


Film Theory and Critique

 This course introduces various movie theory and critical theory on the form and context of movie. This course discusses various theories such as realism, expressionism, genre theory, auteur theory and Marxist film theory. It also gives an opportunity for the students to review the movies that each aforementioned theories represents. 


Understanding Popular Culture

 With the basis of various theoretical views on popular culture, it examines Korea’s popular culture.


Digital Video and 3D Production

 With workshop including planning, writing scenario, making continuity book, editing and HD rendering, students can strengthen their creativity and skills in making/planning digital video. This is an advanced course in Digital Video Special Effects.


Interactive Contents Design

 Understanding each content’s characteristic in interactive media platform like mobile phone and smart media. Students will learn the overall process of production through planning, constructing, making and evaluating contents. Students can learn various designs and constructions of UI(user interface) and UX(user experience) and acquire basic skills in producing. Through this course, students can acquire general skills in content production that can be used and distributed in various interactive media.


Internet Communications & Strategy

 In this course, we will learn and exercise different theories and strategies on interactive media, which has become a new way of advertisement due to the development of communication facilities such as Internet. Through practical strategy communication works, students can learn the roles and functions of strategic communication in new media.


Individual Communications Research – Capstone Design

 This course is done by team project. Basing on media major’s theory, it is planned and executed independently by students to develop their creativity, field-knowledge, teamwork and leadership. This is for students who took all courses that they need in required courses and shared electives. They will choose their study topics and will finish the project regarding capstone design until the end of semester. The final project includes academic studies based on communication theory, media creation based on practical media studies and internship reports.


Communications Internship 1

 Combining communication theories and applying them in the real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 4 weeks(160days)


Communications Internship 2

 Combining communication theories and applying them into real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 8 weeks(480days)

Media Law & Management Track Electives





Introduction of Contents Business

 Focusing on visual media, students can understand the characteristic of contents media industry, and learn various economic or management principles of business contents.


Advertising Media Planning

 Understanding various advertising circumstances through theories and practices will help students understand how to choose and implement creative and scientific advertising media in given circumstances.


Corporate Communication

 In corporate communication, students will examine the characteristic of exemplary cases of reputation management strategies and corporate communication. Also, in this course students will cover the theories and relation of communication and corporate reputation, various viewpoints and lastly, strategic planning process. Students can enhance their reputation management skill while dealing with examples of communication strategies, communication cases and exemplary points of high reputation companies worldwide.


Freedom of Expression & Press Ethics

 This course explains the constitutional meaning and its responsibility relation of freedom of expression. Thus, it examines how the press company’s freedom of speech can balance with infringement of personal, social, national benefit and protection of the law. Along with that, by analyzing different cases, it discusses journalism ethics that would serve as guidelines for the press.


Media Industry and copyright

 Acknowledge the contents flow which is considered to be the foundation of media industry and learn its relation in contracts and copyright. Also, it discusses the present condition and controversy regarding media copyright.


Visual Media management

 In this course, students will learn the basic concepts and characteristics of the organization and management of visual media companies.Students will also learn about the different factors that affect media management, from the market structure and characteristics to media industry’s organization; personnel and budget management. Through field experience and case studies, students will also discuss effective management of planning, personnel, organization, budgets and promotion.


Marketing strategy and practice for Visual Contents

 Studies practical marketing strategies for the export and import of video contents along with the theoretical approach to the international exchange of visual contents.  It includes theoretical lectures on content’s commercial/genre characteristic of visual media contents that can be traded-off through different countries, and learn current status of international distribution market, its distinctive characteristics and export consultation process with the current data.


Introduction to Telecommunications Policy

 The purpose of this course is to provide a basic overview of media economics, media technology and media law, which are essential for understanding media laws and policies. Along with this, students will look into how media policies are formed and what kind of media policy there is to understand and analyze media issues.


Analysis of Current Issues in the Media Industry

 This course takes a look at the current issues of media industry including the newspapers and Internet. Specifically examines the issues of each cases, and figures out how to solve them with industry economic and juridical viewpoint. 


Cross-cultural Issues for Management

The globalization of the business environment that is being driven by technological and economic factors is resulting in an ever-increasing number of cross cultural interactions in the workplace. Understanding the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings is now a fundamental requirement of effective international management. This course provides students with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management skills and introduces some of the challenges they may deal with when working Internationally.


Media Law Case Studies

 Examines by sector how media precedents are made. Considering constitutional freedom of speech, students will observe how the regulations and media activities that affect press activities have been interpreted, and will learn related media business laws and court’s interpretations with those laws regarding media business. Students will discuss proper interpretation of media laws based on case studies.


Individual Communications Research – Capstone Design

This course is done by team project. Basing on media major’s theory, it is planned and executed independently by students to develop their creativity, field-knowledge, teamwork and leadership. This is for students who took all courses that they need in required courses and shared electives. They will choose their study topics and will finish the project regarding capstone design until the end of semester. The final project includes academic studies based on communication theory, media creation based on practical media studies and internship reports.

* 타 전공인정: cross cultural issues for management

Convergence Media Track Electives





Multimedia and Web Production

 With the basic understanding of visual art and video art, it cultivates student’s interest and flexible thinking in creating art. With various exercise of computer skills, students can understand and learn new ways to create visual art and be adaptive and creative. With the media sources such as text, sound, image, video and animation, students can produce their own DVD-Rom title or Web site.  


Intermediate News Reporting & Writing

Through this course students will learn a variety of techniques and the ethical issues that could arise when covering ongoing stories that require more thorough coverage and information gathering. Basic News Reporting and Writing (36033) is a prerequisite to this class, and the professor plans to individually meet students planning to take this course prior to course registration.


News Reporting&Writing

A course for students who would like to learn the techniques required in English journalism, this class will introduce basic concepts required in journalism, including journalistic writing, news formatting, news gathering techniques, and editing. The course material is more in-depth than the introductory classes, and as such is intended for students looking to improve their expertise in the field. Students who have lived overseas are also allowed to take this course.


PR Communications Campaigns

This course is designed to practice the basic structure of PR campaigns and ways to implement its role. Specifically, it discusses the application of marketing, political/social issue campaigns and its differences from promotion campaigns. It includes a broad discussion of application of research and investigation.


Practice of Photography

 Taking a photo and finding a way to produce it will be the very first and important step for your Digital & Visual Media Track’s course. You will learn the basic theory of taking a photo along with practical exercises such as appreciating the works, ways to use a camera, taking a shot, producing news photo and working in darkroom.


PR Writing, Production & Digital Media

Students learn the basics in writing and content production for public relations. A variety of publications, such as news releases, manual reports, brochures, fact sheets, company newsletters, interviews, etc. will be covered in details, along with the basic computer publishing skills required to create them.


Creative Strategy for Advertising

This course aims to teach students a variety of creative theories and strategies required to create effective advertisements. A focus will be placed on the creative strategies and expressions used to achieved the desired effect from advertising.


Basic News Reporting and Writing

Students begin by learning the basic ideas of what a news article is, followed by what makes up a news article, characteristics of news writing, and the basic knowledge needed in news writing. This is a practical course, and students are required to write each week.


Advertising and Consumer Psychology

This course aims to improve students understanding of consumers cognitions, emotions, and behaviors as affected by corporate marketing and advertisement. Students will learn the internal and external factors that influence consumers decision making processes and how marketing can be used to influence these factors, so they can apply this knowledge to the creation of marketing strategies and advertisements.


Digital Storytelling

 Digital storytelling is using various digital media such as picture, audio, films and making a story out of it. This course helps you select the topic of your work suitable for modern society and collect the data and learn efficient ways of communication that can be applied to your digital storytelling work.


The Introduction of Contents Business

 Focusing on visual media, students can understand the characteristic of contents media industry, and learn various economic or management principles of business contents.


Broadcast News Reporting & Writing

This course is based around the skills needed to write for broadcast news and the practical applications of such in preparing a radio broadcast. A focus is placed on the weekly writing, which is intended to help students understand the differences between the writing needed for broadcast news as compared to standard news articles. Prerequisite: Basic News Reporting & Writing (36033)


Computer-Assisted Reporting

Through the combination of computers and communications services, computers have emerged as a powerful tool when it comes to news reporting. This course teaches students the skills required to properly utilize the internet for their writing. Students learn how to fact check using data bases, about digital newspapers and the state of online reporting in Korea, as well as take part in small group reporting projects.


Television Production

 Studies the production of visual media (especially designing TV program, coming up with new ideas, planning programs, and writing scripts) and make a real TV program with equipment used for TV production.


Digital Video Special Effects

 Acquire the basic technique of Non Liner editing using filming and video sources, and deepen the knowledge of editing technique. With the understanding of each visual languages’ differences and connections, learn the usage of basic equipments.


Desktop Publishing

Students learn the design techniques required of desktop publishing, such as the usage of typography, graphs, and photographs, and the current trends and theories in graphic communication. Students will get hands-on experience in the planning, writing, and editing processes required for newspaper publishing. Enrollment is limited to students who have taken Basic News Reporting and Writing (36033) and other reporting classes.


Advanced News Reporting&Writing 

This is an advanced news writing course for students who have a high-level of spoken and written English. Teaching is through an intensive series of advanced, practical writing. After a brief review of spot news techniques the focus moves quickly on to news features and interviews. Students will be given external assignments and will also have to find their own news stories.


Advertising Media Planning

Students will learn to select the proper media for the desired effect of their advertising scientifically and creatively through theoretical and practical knowledge of advertising in the new media age.


Advertising Management

A course covering the planning of advertising and promotional programs. Students will create their own advertising plans with the knowledge they gain from analyzing case studies covering the various challenges that arise in advertising, including goal setting, creative decision making, and media planning.


Advertising Copywriting

This is a practical course covering the creation of effective copies for advertisement. Students practice creating their own advertising through deciding on advertising strategies, planning campaigns, and creating their own copy.


Corporate Communication

This course allows students to study the communication characteristics and corporate value management of successful companies. It covers the theories involved in corporate reputation and their relation to public relations. Students will gain the ability to manage these public relations through the study of successful Korean and international companies.


Advertising and PR Research Methods

This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to research the information and statistics necessary to create effective advertisement and public relations strategies. After learning basic research strategies, students will then discuss the application of these strategies and the current trends in the field of advertising.


Human and Computer Interaction



Freedom of Expression & Press Ethics

This course teaches the meaning of freedom of expression from a constitutional perspective and the responsibility it carries. We will cover how the press’s freedom of expression can cause harm to the benefit and protection of the law as it is given to the individual, society, and the entire country, as well as look into how to find balance between these. Students will discuss journalism and press ethics through a variety of case studies.


Media Industry and copyright

 Acknowledge the contents flow which is considered to be the foundation of media industry and learn its relation in contracts and copyright. Also, it discusses the present condition and controversy regarding media copyright.


Government Public Relations

This course covers the communications strategies necessary in political and administrational situations. A focus will be placed on the campaigns, communication with locals, CI, and events required of local administrative agencies. Students will also study the communications processes involved in political campaigns and managing public opinion.


Visual Media management

 In this course, students will learn the basic concepts and characteristics of the organization and management of visual media companies. Students will also learn about the different factors that affect media management, from the market structure and characteristics to media industry’s organization; personnel and budget management. Through field experience and case studies, students will also discuss effective management of planning, personnel, organization, budgets and promotion.


Marketing strategy and practice for Visual Contents

 Studies practical marketing strategies for the export and import of video contents along with the theoretical approach to the international exchange of visual contents.  It includes theoretical lectures on content’s commercial/genre characteristic of visual media contents that can be traded-off through different countries, and learn current status of international distribution market, its distinctive characteristics and export consultation process with the current data.


Introduction to Telecommunications Policy Studies

The purpose of this course is to provide a basic overview of media economics, media technology and media law, which are essential for understanding media laws and policies. Along with this, students will look into how media policies are formed and what kind of media policy there is to understand and analyze media issues.


Analysis of Current Issues in the Media Industry

This course takes a look at the current issues of media industry including the newspapers and Internet. Specifically examines the issues of each cases, and figures out how to solve them with industry economic and juridical viewpoint. 


Journalism Critique

This course aims to instill students with the ability to critique news from a variety of media. Students will learn the different views and theories on journalism critique, the effect news holds on social meaning, politics, and public opinion, as well as the issues faced in news production and the entire press industry.


Documentary Production

 With video technique, students will learn all procedures required in making a documentary production including planning the works, research, filming, editing and post-production.


Advertising Campaigns

Students study the planning and implication of advertising campaigns through practical experience. Students form groups to act as advertising companies, working together to conduct market research, campaign planning, and creative advertising for existing products and services.


Advertising & Society

The industrial characteristics of advertising can unintentionally negatively influence individuals or small groups in society. Students will study the social and ethical issues of advertising as a social institution and learn about the regulations in place to minimize these negative effects.


Film Theory and Critique

 This course introduces various movie theory and critical theory on the form and context of movie. This course discusses various theories such as realism, expressionism, genre theory, auteur theory and Marxist film theory. It also gives an opportunity for the students to review the movies that each aforementioned theories represents. 



Understanding Popular Culture

 With the basis of various theoretical views on popular culture, it examines Korea’s popular culture.


International and Intercultural Public Relations

 Students need to have basic knowledge in promotion theory and campaign strategy, as this course goes without explanation of basic theories. In this class, students will learn about worldwide promotion, intercultural promotion and the technical skills that follow. Specifically, it deals with multi-cultural communication theory, understanding and adapting to cultural differences and practically executing international promotion campaign.


Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution

 This course is for students who already have an understanding in promotion. It deals with crisis management, which is crucial in promotion. Crisis management includes issue management, crisis acknowledgement, prevention, preparation, settling down and restoring the issue, evaluation and education. This course deals with integrated and relationship-management aspect.


Digital Video and 3D Production

 With workshop including planning, writing scenario, making continuity book, editing and HD rendering, students can strengthen their creativity and skills in making/planning digital video. This is an advanced course in Digital Video Special Effects.


Political Communication

This course covers the role relations between the media and politics through a variety of theoretical standpoints. A focus will be put on the positive and negative influences that old media, like newspaper, broadcast, and magazines, and new media have on politics.


Public Relations and Society

 Takes a view of PR theory and activities in social aspects. With rhetorical and critical approach, it studies how PR activities such as crisis management, press relation, community relations, reputation management, employee communication, consumer communication, stakeholder relation, government-press relation can be interpreted in total society.


Cross-cultural Issues for Management 

 The globalization of the business environment that is being driven by technological and economic factors is resulting in an ever-increasing number of cross cultural interactions in the workplace. Understanding the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings is now a fundamental requirement of effective international management. This course provides students with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management skills and introduces some of the challenges they may deal with when working Internationally.


Advanced Broadcast News Production

As a course to improve studentsabilities in broadcast news production, students will focus on longer news features rather than spot reporting, learning how to produce a variety of news reports through practical experience. Broadcast News Reporting & Writing (33285) is a prerequisite to this course.


Interactive Contents Design

 Understanding each content’s characteristic in interactive media platform like mobile phone and smart media. Students will learn the overall process of production through planning, constructing, making and evaluating contents. Students can learn various designs and constructions of UI(user interface) and UX(user experience) and acquire basic skills in producing. Through this course, students can acquire general skills in content production that can be used and distributed in various interactive media.


Internet Communications & Strategy

 In this course, theories will be studied and the students will be allowed to exercise how to use interactive media, which is a new advertisement method. With executing strategy communication campaign, students can learn the roles and functions of strategy communication in new media society.


Media Law Case Studies

 Examines by sector how media precedents are made. Considering constitutional freedom of speech, students will observe how the regulations and media activities that affect press activities have been interpreted, and will learn related media business laws and court’s interpretations with those laws regarding media business. Students will discuss proper interpretation of media laws based on case studies.


Individual Communications Research – Capstone Design

 This course is done by team project. Basing on media major’s theory, it is planned and executed independently by students to develop their creativity, field-knowledge, teamwork and leadership. This is for students who took all courses that they need in required courses and shared electives. They will choose their study topics and will finish the project regarding capstone design until the end of semester. The final project includes academic studies based on communication theory, media creation based on practical media studies and internship reports.


Communications Internship 1

 Combining communication theories and applying them in the real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 4 weeks(160days)


Communications Internship 2

Combining communication theories and applying them into real work. You can get the credit by working in or out of the country or starting venture or participating in volunteer work in or out of the country. It should be at least more than 8 weeks(480days)

Media Engineering & Enterpreneurship Track Electives





Practice in Computer Programming

 This course deals with the basic concepts of computers and programming methods. It aims to equip students with basic programming skills by learning the basic grammar and functions of C language. 


Practice in Python Programming

 This course covers basic concepts of computers and basic computer programming. Students will practice programming techniques using the Python programming language to learn the basic concepts of various computer programming languages.


SW Leadership Seminar II



SW Leadership Seminar III



Introduction to Cyber Security

 In this course, students will learn basic concept of security, such as security attacks, services and security mechanisms. Students will acquire general concept of cyber security by studying the latest security issues including cryptography, system security, network security and applications.


Food Sensibility Ergonomics

 Based on food science and sensory and consumer science, students will learn how emotional engineering is used in food design and quality management. In the first half of the course, with an interdisciplinary approach, students will learn about food-consumer interactions and quality characteristics perceived by consumer’s point of  view. And in the last half of this course, students will learn factors affecting food intake and choice, and learn research methods of consumer satisfaction and preferences regarding their food intake and household goods/cosmetics purchase.


Environmental Policy and Law

 This course studies environmental policy, environmental law, environmental administration and international environmental convention. This class covers various things related to environment law; history, characteristic, environmental rights, legal principles, organization of Korea’s environmental law and environmental administration issues of the central/local government. It introduces quasi-judicial administrative bodies regarding environment and the process of compensating damages caused by environmental issues. Also, lectures deals with subjects such as; environment, water and sewage, soil groundwater, climate air, waste, living environment, environmental health, environmental economy and international environmental conventions majorly held in United Nations.


Food Commerce



Modern Architecture

 This class introduces 20th century modern architecture after World War II. Modern architecture has become more complicated with many art movements. This is also divided into different era, and students will study each movements that represents each era including major architects and their works.The transition period of the 1950s, the free spirit of 1960s, the rationalism of the 1970s, the neo-subjectivism of the 1980s and the neo-modernism of the 1990s are big trends of each era, and detailed explanation will be given. Major points of this lecture are like this; the early phenomena of modern architecture in New Brutalism in the 1950s, the basic concepts and pop architecture of postmodernism in the 1960s, the New York Fives in the 1970s, late modernism, high-tech architectures, Neo-Baroque, Neo-Corbusian architecture of the 1990s, neo de stijl and Neo-Constructivism.


IoT Security



Environmental Media



Architecture & Cities



Food Marketing


Copywrite Protection and Management


Sustainable Housing

“Ancient was the era of temples, in medieval times cathedrals and after Renaissance the palaces. The major type of modern architecture is now general dwelling.” In the 21st century, the issue of ‘sustainability’ has become an important topic not only in architecture/academic fields but also to intellectuals. This course aims to understand the nature of housing by refining the concept of sustainable homes which is basically based on two words, ‘time’ and ‘change’ and have a new perspective of ‘continuity and variability’. By exploring the formation and transformation of Korean apartments, students will gain an understanding in social sustainability through studying current housing types, theories and methodology regarding open-apartments. In addition, students will learn ‘cultural sustainability’ through an in-depth analysis and learn the evolution of Hanok(한옥) along with development and changes of traditional housing. Overall, students will learn comprehensive knowledge on various aspects of social and cultural sustainability of housing.


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