Semester Course # Course Title Hours Credits 비 고
1 G11555 Overview of Mass Communication Research 3 3
1 G11559 Theories in Qualitative Research 3 3
1 G11557 Communication Theories 3 3
1 G11562 Statistic Analysis and Research Design I 3 3
1 G11564 Global Communication 3 3
1 G11566 Information Society and New Media 3 3
1 G11570 Online Journalism 3 3
1 G11572 Theories in Critique 3 3
1 G11574 Press Research 3 3
1 G11576 Theories in Broadcasting 3 3
1 G11578 Research in Media Culture 3 3
1 G11581 Video Seminar 3 3
1 G11585 Seminar on Theories in Interactive Advertisement 3 3
1 G11587 Theories in Advertising Management 3 3
1 G11589 Methods in Advanced Advertising Research 3 3
1 G11592 Theories in Public Relations 3 3
1 G11594 PR Campaign Planning 3 3
1 G11597 Common PR and Conflict Solutions 3 3
1 G11599 Corporate Communication and Reputation Management 3 3
1 G11602 Investigation Analysis 3 3 구)언론정보특별주제세미나I
1 G11606 Television and Film Special Seminar I 3 3
1 G11610 Advertising and Public Relations Special Seminar I 3 3
1 G11614 Persuasive Communication 3 3
1 G11616 Interpersonal Communication 3 3
Semester Course # Course Title Hours Credits 비 고
1 G16365 Social Marketing 3 3
1 G16366 Media Psychology 3 3
1 G17189 Media Law and Policy 3 3
2 G11583 Theories in Advertisement 3 3
2 G13794 Methods in Communication Research I 3 3
2 G13795 Statistic Analysis and Research Design II 3 3
2 G13796 Media Economics 3 3
2 G13797 Women and Mass Communication 3 3
2 G13798 Journalism Research 3 3
2 G13799 Theories in Communication Law 3 3
2 G13800 Public Opinion and the Media 3 3
2 G13801 Entertainment Industries and Law 3 3 구) 문화산업론
2 G13802 Communication in Politics 3 3
2 G13803 Video Media Critique 3 3
2 G13805 Research in Digital Culture 3 3
2 G13806 Theories in Semiotics 3 3
2 G13807 Consumer Theories 3 3
2 G13808 Seminar in Advertising Psychology 3 3
2 G13809 Theories in Advertising Media 3 3 구) 광고매체계획
2 G13811 Advertising and Society 3 3
2 G13812 PR and Society 3 3
2 G13813 PR Strategy and Case Study 3 3
2 G13814 Theories in Crisis Management 3 3
Semester Course # Course Title Hours Credits 비 고
2 G13815 Critique and Methods of PR Research 3 3
2 G13816 Brand Communication Seminar 3 3
2 G13818 Television and Film Special Seminar II 3 3
2 G13819 Advertising and Public Relations Special Seminar II 3 3
2 G13820 Organizational Communication 3 3
2 G13821 Theories in Entertainment Business Management 3 3
2 G16269 Interactive Media 3 3
2 G16547 Risk Communication 3 3
2 G16548 Public Diplomacy and Communication 3 3
2 G16549 Content Analysis 3 3
2 G16550 Analysis of Present Issues in the Media Industry 3 3


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