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Media Law & Management Track

The Media Law and Management track covers the development, distribution, and management of content within the media industry and the laws that affect those processes, such as copywrite, media policy, personal privacy, voluntary restraint, and other regulations. Our goal is that through research about management, distribution, consumerism, trends, and the general outlook of the media industry, and creating a strong base of knowledge in policy and law, that students will grow into experts able to find balance and lead in the industry.

  • Students' ability
    research the trends, outlooks, management, distribution, and consumerism of the media industry, are able to lead the media industry with a strong foundation in media policy and law
  • Future Careers

    Media policy making, media production, copywrite management, bigdata analysis, social media, content creating and marketing, cultural marketing, cultural content production, media policy lawyers, press arbitration

  • Track's main strength

    creativity and the strong ability of understanding culture

  • Track's main points 

    Media contents industry needs people who are creative and have deeper understanding in various cultures. To cultivate successful media content creators, we encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities and take courses in a wide variety of subjects.

Media Law and Management

  • >
  • Undergraduate >
  • Tracks >
  • Media Law and Management