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연혁 목록
Date History
2017. 09. Communication Strategies and Self-Designed track names changed to “Advertisement/PR Communication Strategies” and “Convergence Media” respectively. Introduction of the Media Engineering and Entrepreneurship track.
2015. 03. Department of Media Studies renamed to the Department of Communication and Media, split into the Journalism, Communication Strategies, Digital and Visual Media, Media Management and Law, and Self-Designed tracks.
2010. Seminar and Alumni Reunion celebrating the department’s 50th Anniversary
2007. Establishment of the Ewha Frontier Journalism School and Ewha Frontier Producer School
2007. 03. Renaming of the Graduate program to the Department of Media Studies
2004. Ranked 1st in the Advertisement Journalism/Public Relations category of the Korean Council for University Education’s yearly ranking of Universities and Academic Programs.
2002. Completed construction on the Ewha-Posco Building, equipped with cutting-edge facilities for major courses.
2001. 04. Established the Graduate School of Policy Science’s night program, Masters’ Program renamed to Media Studies
1998. 03. Department of Broadcasting Journalism renamed to the Department of Media Studies.
1995. 03. Established the Graduate School of Information Science’s night program along with the Media Information Masters Program.
1970. 03. Established the Broadcasting Journalism Masters’ Program at Dongdae Academy.
1969. 03. Renamed to the Department of Broadcasting Journalism.
1964. 03. Established the Broadcasting Journalism major within Ewha Womans University’s Graduate School.
1960. 04. Established the Department of Journalism, predecessor of the Department of Media Studies.
1955. 03. Creation of the Graduate School of Information Science (Night Program) and master’s program in Media Information.


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