The Seoam Video Production Center is a used in the Department of Communication and Media’s practical education courses. It is also used for student club activities, school events, special lectures, and the filming of video lectures managed by the division.

The space is used to give students hands-on experience in the production and editing processes of television programs and other video content. Students experience what it is like to film in a studio through using the center’s studio and control room. They gain experience in using studio cameras and ENG cameras, as well as the basics of video editing using the latest iMac computers. Through these courses, workshops, and student activities, students are able to gain the practical knowledge and abilities needed for the communications and media industry.

The studio consists of the digital video editing room (Posco 564-3), the studio (564-2), control room (564-1), and the digital video lab (564-4). Communication and Media students can rent the equipment needed for their class and other student activities. A researcher with experience in the broadcasting industry is on site during office hours to assist students with their studies.

Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, contact Kyuhyun Lee at 02-3277-4140 for inquiries.

Available Equipment and Reference Materials

  • Filming Equipment: 6-mm digital cameras (PD-150, PD-170), HDV Camcorders, HD Camcorders, 4K Camcorders, DSLR Canon 100D cameras, tripods, dollys, wireless mics, boom mics, etc. 
  • Editing Equipment: 6mm 1 : 1 On-Line CineEditor, non-linear computer editing systems, iMacs (equipped with Adobe Premiere CC), control room (6mm), 3:1 Editing System, S-VHS On-Line Editing System 
  • Video Materials: Materials made for TV production practice, video material tapes, etc. 
  • Audio Materials: Broadcasting music (background music), sound effect CDs (for use only within the studio) 
  • Reference books on broadcasting and production. 
  • List of websites on broadcasting and production. 
  • List of literature on broadcasting and productions

How to Borrow Equipment

1. Reserving Equipment
    a. Fill out the reservation list in Posco Room #564 at least 24 hours in advance.
    b. Instructions: Write your name and indicate your desired equipment and the dates the equipment is needed, marking a maximum of three days with
        an arrow.
    c. All equipment on the list is available for rent.

2. Borrowing Period and Rules
    a. Borrowing period: The standard borrowing period is three days. Please contact the office about any special needs for a longer borrowing period.
    b. Rules: You are responsible for all borrowed equipment while you have it. Make sure you fully understand how to use the equipment and treat it
        as your own. You are responsible for the repairs/replacement of damaged or lost equipment.

3. Receiving Equipment

    a. Students who have reserved equipment may request it from the researcher. You may fill out the borrowed equipment forms in the control room
        (564-1) and the journalism practice room (563).
    b. You must leave an ID, which you will receive when you return the equipment. Accurately write down the number of the equipment you are
        borrowing, and check the state of the equipment before leaving.

4. Returning Equipment
    a. Retrieve your ID and confirm that you have returned the equipment.
    b. When returning equipment, please come during office hours (until 5 pm during the semester and until 4 pm during vacation) and avoid class times
        and lunch time.
    c. Make sure to recharge the batteries before returning the equipment.

Digital Broadcast Editing Room

The editing room consists of digital systems that are up to date with the current standards of the video production industry. It is equipped with iMacs and systems for complete control over 6-mm digital editing work, including non-linear editing systems. It is also equipped for linear editing, so students may gain technical experience in various types of editing.


If you fill out a form for overnight usage 24 hours in advance, you can use the editing room overnight. The editing room is available during office hours (except while classes are held in the lab). However, at the end of the semester or during periods where students have many assignments, students in classes that are currently using the editing room are given priority and students of other majors are barred from entry.


1. Multiple iMacs (27” and 21”)

2. Digital non-linear system, Metrox-Digisuite, DV500, DV Storm, DSR-11, DSR-1800, DSR-200

3. Analog linear system, equipped with a 2-to-1 system capable of 6-mm editing; basic digital effects, subtitles, titles, and credits can be added


1. Reserve your time slot 24 hours in advance, and only use the editing room during your slot.

2. Smoking, food, and drinks (including water) are not allowed.

3. Be quiet.

4. Clean the editing room after use.

5. Be careful while using the equipment, and ask the researcher for help with any equipment you are not familiar with.

   - You will be held responsible for any issues with the equipment while you are using it.

6. The editing room may only be used for class purposes.

7. You must receive prior permission from the school administration for use after 9 pm (including overnight use).

8. Outsiders are not allowed in the lab.

   - This applies not only to other schools’ students, but also to Ewha students from other majors (without prior permission).

Studio/Studio Control Room

Our studio is equipped with the most up-to-date one-stop systems, a camera control unit (CCU) CA-TX7, a DXC-D35 camera and prompter, and three DSR-PD170 cameras, along with a standard set, lights, and Chroma keyboard. The control room connected to the studio is equipped with a 6-mm digital linear system. Through practical training courses, students learn to use video production equipment, including the playback VCR (DSR-1800), recording VCR (DSR-2000), DVD player, CD player, CG subtitler, CCU light switches, switcher, prompter controller, pedestal, and jib arm. The editing room is mostly used for news production classes and seminars and by the clubs in the Division of Communication and Media.


You must reserve a slot 24 hours in advance. Students from other majors are not allowed to use the studio.


1. Reserve your time slot 24 hours in advance, and only use the studio during your slot.

2. Smoking, food, and drinks (including water) are not allowed.

3. Be quiet.

4. Clean the studio/control room after use.

5. Be careful while using the equipment, and ask the researcher for help with any equipment you are not familiar with.

    - You will be held responsible for any issues with the equipment while you are using it.

6. The studio/control room may only be used for class purposes.

7. You must receive prior permission from the school administration for any use after 9 pm (including overnight use).

8. Outsiders are not allowed in the lab.

    - This applies not only to other schools’ students, but also to Ewha students from other majors (without prior permission).

* The control room and studio contain expensive equipment. Please be careful while using it.

* Students on leave of absence must obtain permission from the head of the division before using any of the facilities.

Digital Media Lab

The computer lab is equipped with 25 iMacs for use in practical courses within the department, such as Introduction to Multimedia Production. All Communication and Media students are free to use the computer lab when it is not in use for a class.


1. Write down your name, student number, computer number, and phone number when you enter the room.

2. Smoking, food, and drinks (including water) are not allowed.

3. Be quiet.

4. Clean the area around your computer after use.

5. You may not install any programs or delete system files without permission from the researcher.

6. Turn off your computer before leaving.

7. If you break the rules, you may be expelled from the computer lab by the TA or the researcher.

Seoam Video Production Center

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