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2012 Winter EIE
EIE Life – Three Reasons Why I Enjoyed EIE So Much

Mi Jin Kim (Freshman, DIS)

One Monday morning, I was lolling around in bed when my friend called to talk about a one-month-long English program that took place in Ewha. As I had spent two latest months in bed, doing either eating or sleeping, I thought this program, namely Ewha Intensive English (EIE), would rescue me from this endless quagmire of laziness. Hoping that the faculty would let me join the program although enrollment period had ended, I hurriedly called the person concerned and she added me as a member of EIE with pleasure. I had never imagined that this choice that I had made while I was half asleep would bring about so much benefits throughout the following four weeks; the benefits include three significant ones for which why I would suggest EIE to others as well.
Initially, EIE allowed me to overcome the prejudice and fear I had about studying at a women’s university, by letting me experience the life at Ewha in advance. To specify, as all freshmen would, I expected that life at a single-gender school would be boring, because usually boys are in charge of humor and ice breaking. I expected that girls would be so competitive and always jealous of each other, not cooperating with others for the betterment of all. However, my four weeks at EIE manifested how all the antecedent ideas that I had about a women’s university were biased and distorted. Classes with girls were as much as exciting and enjoyable as with co-ed classes; actually even better because girls share similar interests and thoughts. Students at EIE helped each other without any hesitation, instead of reading faces or measuring one’s own interests. In one instance, I was to prepare a singing performance with my fellow classmates of the Purple class. We were supposed to sing “Mamma Mia”, as we danced along joyfully. Because there were no boys, we were able to truly enjoy dancing without having to look nice in front of others. We wriggled our bodies and sung at the top of our voice. I questioned myself if this would have been possible in a co-ed school. What’s more, fellow classmates assisted each other in memorizing the moves and lyrics, not so much the idea of a women’s university I had in mind. Hence, my participation in EIE enabled me to correct my wrong awareness of going to a women’s university.
In addition, EIE exposed me to a complete English speaking environment, in which I was able to feel more comfortable speaking English. As with all languages, one’s English speaking skill can always deteriorate without continuous practice. As an English learner, I was not an exception; I had started feeling less confident speaking in English and had many expressions which I have forgotten although I had used them often before. EIE cleared away all the worries I had. Although difficult, EIE had all the students speaking in English both in class and outside the class. It was as if I was flying to an English-using country every morning and flying back home by dinner, only without great expense. One of the most advantageous systems of EIE was the lunchtime speaking tutorial session. Every lunch breaks, we were to spend some time discussing diverse matters with foreign professors and fellow students. I did not have to worry about composing a wrong English sentence, since my instructors helped me right away. I recalled a number of vocabularies that I had forgotten by listening to what others say. Inside the fence of EIE, English was the mother tongue and everybody spoke like natives. In short, EIE is recommendable because it provides the participants with endless opportunities to speak English.
Last but not least, EIE teaches students practical knowledge. In other words, EIE was not just a program for improving one’s English capability, but it was also intended to instruct students with necessary skills and information. To elaborate, in EIE there exist a number of classes from which students can choose. Through each class, students are equipped with knowledge and skills they will need in future business or career, ranging from delivering public speech to successfully winning a debate. Most notably, the Business English class I had with one of my professors was special in that I have never learned how business goes before. In the class, students learned how to write an e-mail and make phone calls for business transactions. We learned the formats and expressions for formal writings. In fact, I was able to apply what I have learned in the class to a formal e-mail I had to send. To specify, as a member of freshmen-orientation public relations coordinator, I sent a formal letter to the public relations office of Ewha, asking for some help. I felt more confident and definitive writing e-mail, because I acknowledged that the recipient of the e-mail would be pleased with my polite request letter. In sum, EIE is unique and beneficial in the light that the classes deal with practical information and skills that go beyond English skills.
Dozens of times did I have to decline my friends offer to hang out because I had EIE. Dozens nights did I have to stay up until late to prepare presentations and do assignments for EIE classes. Dozens of times did I regret applying for EIE. However, come to think of it at this moment, all the things that EIE bestowed on me worth million times more than the dedication of my January to EIE program. Not only did EIE got rid of my fear of studying at a women’s school, but also EIE provided me with a complete English speaking environment, not so different from actually studying in an English speaking country abroad. I should also mention how EIE taught me a variety of skills and knowledge that would be asked of me in my career. In closing, I undoubtedly believe that my one month in EIE was advantageous and helpful for me. All in all, I recommend other freshmen and Ewha students to take part in upcoming EIE programs because they will be glad to have joined it just like how I am at this moment.
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