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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
52 Vol. 4 No. 1 Spring 2014. Household Economic Activity and Market in North Korea: A Story of the 2008 DPRK Population Census _ Suk Lee  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 204 파일아이콘
51 Vol. 4 No. 1 Spring 2014. Meanings and Strategies of the DMZ International Peace Park _ Gi-Woong Son  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 244 파일아이콘
50 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. Profiles of the Authors  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 197 파일아이콘
49 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. [Comments] Challenges Park Geun-hye Government’s North Korea Policy _ Chang-Seok Yang  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 199 파일아이콘
48 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. [Comments] Considerations on the Trust-Building Process on the Korean Peninsula a Success _ Kim Keun-Sik  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 221 파일아이콘
47 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. A Content Analysis of International News on North Korean Central TV: New Leadership’s Perception of the World _ Soo-Keung Jung  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 329 파일아이콘
46 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. The Personality Cult of Kim Jong Un: Continuity and Change _ Brian Myers  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 301 파일아이콘
45 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. In Search of a Creative Korean Unification mula through Neutralization _ Tae-Hwan Kwak   통일학연구원 2015-06-29 247 파일아이콘
44 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. The Current Implementation and Future Strategies of the Trust-Building Process _ Jinwook Choi  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 250 파일아이콘
43 Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 2013. Characteristics and Challenges of the Trust-Building Process on the Korean Peninsula _ Jong Chul, Park  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 203 파일아이콘
42 Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2013. Profile of the Authors  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 216 파일아이콘
41 Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2013. [Comments] Military Tension on the Korean Peninsula and Thoughts on Policy towards North Korea _ Beom Chul Shin  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 199 파일아이콘
40 Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2013. [Comments] President Park Geun Hye’s North Korea Policy: Trust-building Process on the Korean Peninsula _ Ihn Hwi Park  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 200 파일아이콘
39 Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2013. Economic and Political Implications of South-North Cooperation Development of North Korea’s Mineral Resources _ Won Chul Kim  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 207 파일아이콘
38 Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 2013. South Korean Civil Society and the Politics of Aid to North Korea _ Eun Jeong Soh  통일학연구원 2015-06-29 240 파일아이콘