영문학입문 |
Introduction to English Literature
20094 |
영어학개론 |
Introduction to English Linguistics |
34789 |
영미문화의 이해 |
Studies in British and American Culture |
35171 |
Screen English |
Screen English |
20093 |
English Phonology |
English Phonology |
36143 |
Academic Writing Ⅰ |
Academic Writing Ⅰ |
36148 |
Introduction to Drama |
Introduction to Drama |
20103 |
Communicative English Grammar |
Communicative English Grammar |
35573 |
Advanced English Reading |
Advanced English Reading |
36145 |
19세기 영국소설 |
Nineteenth-Century British Novel |
36146 |
17,8세기 영문학 |
Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century English Literature |
90002 |
영어사 |
History of the English Language |
36147 |
미국문학개론 |
Survey of American Literature |
34975 |
English Presentation and Debate |
English Presentation and Debate |
35572 |
영어와 시사 |
English for Current Events |
34400 |
중세 및 르네상스 영문학 |
English Medieval and Renaissance Culture |
35207 |
현대영미시 |
Modern British and American Poetry |
35201 |
현대영미희곡 |
Modern British and American Drama |
20091 |
영어구문론 |
English Syntax |
36149 |
19세기미국소설 |
Nineteenth-Century American Novel |
35199 |
문학과영화이론 |
Theory of Literature and Film |
36150 |
문학번역 |
Translation of Literature |
20085 |
셰익스피어 |
Shakespeare |
36151 |
19세기영미시 |
Nineteenth Century British and American Poetry |
35208 |
영어학연구 |
Topics in English Linguistics |
36144 |
Academic Writing Ⅱ |
Academic Writing Ⅱ |
36152 |
현대미국소설 |
Modern American Novel |
35202 |
영어권작가연구 |
Studies in Post-Colonial Literature |
35205 |
드라마이론과실제 |
Drama, Theory and Performance |
36153 |
고전비평 |
Classical Literary Theory |
36154 |
현대영국소설 |
Modern and Contemporary British Novel |
30162 |
영어의미론 |
English Semantics |
34413 |
미국소수민족문학 |
American Minority Literature |
36155 |
18세기영국소설 |
Eighteenth-Century British Novel |
35206 |
여성과문학 |
Women and Literature |
35319 |
이론과비평 |
Theory and Criticism |
35211 |
영어교육론 |
Theories of English Education |
36156 |
영미문화연구 |
Special Issues in British and American Cultural Studies |
35210 |
언어와사회 |
Language and Society |
36157 |
영미문학특강 |
Special Issues in British and American Literature |