visualEwha’s history follows a proud trail of outstanding pioneers. 000



Introduction to English Literature

20094 영어학개론 Introduction to English Linguistics
34789 영미문화의 이해 Studies in British and American Culture
35171 Screen English Screen English
20093 English Phonology English Phonology
36143 Academic Writing Ⅰ Academic Writing Ⅰ
36148 Introduction to Drama Introduction to Drama
20103 Communicative English Grammar Communicative English Grammar
35573 Advanced English Reading Advanced English Reading
36145 19세기 영국소설 Nineteenth-Century British Novel
36146 17,8세기 영문학 Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century English Literature
90002 영어사 History of the English Language
36147 미국문학개론 Survey of American Literature
34975 English Presentation and Debate English Presentation and Debate
35572 영어와 시사 English for Current Events
34400 중세 및 르네상스 영문학 English Medieval and Renaissance Culture
35207 현대영미시 Modern British and American Poetry
35201 현대영미희곡 Modern British and American Drama
20091 영어구문론 English Syntax
36149 19세기미국소설 Nineteenth-Century American Novel
35199 문학과영화이론 Theory of Literature and Film
36150 문학번역 Translation of Literature
20085 셰익스피어 Shakespeare
36151 19세기영미시 Nineteenth Century British and American Poetry
35208 영어학연구 Topics in English Linguistics
36144 Academic Writing Ⅱ Academic Writing Ⅱ
36152 현대미국소설 Modern American Novel
35202 영어권작가연구 Studies in Post-Colonial Literature
35205 드라마이론과실제 Drama, Theory and Performance
36153 고전비평 Classical Literary Theory
36154 현대영국소설 Modern and Contemporary British Novel
30162 영어의미론 English Semantics
34413 미국소수민족문학 American Minority Literature
36155 18세기영국소설 Eighteenth-Century British Novel
35206 여성과문학 Women and Literature
35319 이론과비평 Theory and Criticism
35211 영어교육론 Theories of English Education
36156 영미문화연구 Special Issues in British and American Cultural Studies
35210 언어와사회 Language and Society
36157 영미문학특강 Special Issues in British and American Literature


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