
visualEwha’s history follows a proud trail of outstanding pioneers. 000
Soo Ja Kim님의 사진입니다.
Name Soo Ja Kim
Title Associate Professor
Research Korean Nationalism, Korean Modern Politics, History of Korean Thoughts, Locality
Office/Affiliation Jin Rm. 312
E-Mail soo21@ewha.ac.kr
* Major Research(Papers &Books)

“The Organization of Shin ChaeHo's Doksasillon and reorganization of the Nation history”. The Study of the Eastern Classic(Vol. 36, 203-228). 2009.

"The Settlement of ‘Korean’ Boundary had been shown in the Discussion Process about the Legislation of the Korean Nationality Act before and after Establishment of Korean Government". Journal of Korean modern and contemporary history(Vol. 49, 114-144). 2009.

"After Korean liberation, Rightists' reinforcement process at the National discourse(from 1945 to 1953)-focused on the daily times". The Korean Historical Review(Vol. 198, 89-114). 2008.

"A study of formative process in the Late Chosun Dynasty`s Unity Nationalism". The Study of Korean History of Thought(Vol. 30, 223-250). 2008.

"The Transformation and Refraction of Nationalism in Korea and Germany during the Process of Constructing a Modern State - The Overcoming of National Division and the Establishment of a Democratic State -". Bulletin of the Ewha institute of history(Vol. 36, 71-99). 2008.


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