DJ-1 (Parkinson disease protein 7; PARK7)

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  • DJ-1 (Parkinson disease protein 7; PARK7)

Structural and biochemical investigation into human DJ-1 implicated in the pathogenesis of parkinson’s disease

DJ-1, which is extensively expressed in the testis and moderately in other tissues, was first identified as a novel candidate of the oncogene product that transformed mouse NIH3T3 cells in cooperation with activated ras. After the first identification, various physiological roles of DJ-1 have been unveiled. It has been shown that DJ-1 is a circulation tumor antigen in breast cancer, in which DJ-1 is secreted from cells to serum. DJ-1 was also characterized as a protein that regulates an RNA-protein interaction and positively modulates the androgen receptor (AR). Remarkably, the loss of function mutations in DJ-1 gene was revealed to be responsible for the autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson’s disease (PD). Compatible with diverse cellular functions, human DJ-1 has at least three distinct biochemical activities: chaperon activity, protease activity, and glyoxalase activity.

Our research team reported for the first time the chaperon activity of human DJ-1 based on its structural similarity to an Escherichia coli chaperon, Hsp31. We also discovered that inorganic phosphate induces the filamentous aggregation of human DJ-1 and determined the high resolution crystal structure of the DJ-1 aggregates. Furthermore, through collaboration, we showed that DJ-1 binds to FGF receptor-1 and is implicated in osteogenesis and angeogenesis. Now we seek to unveil the pathological role of DJ-1 filamentous aggregates, to find out chemical agents preventing DJ-1 aggregation, and to solve the complex structure between DJ-1 and FGF receptor-1.

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