visualEwha’s history follows a proud trail of outstanding pioneers. 000
G12009 통사론Ⅰ Syntax I
G12011 의미론Ⅰ Semantics I
G12013 음운론Ⅰ PhonologyⅠ
G12015 영어학주제연구Ⅰ Current Issues in English Linguistics I
G12017 특별과제지도과정(어학) Directed Readings in Linguistics
G12018 최소주의통사론 Minimalist Syntax
G12019 형태론 Morphology
G12020 의미론연구 New Developments in Semantics
G12021 사회언어학세미나 Seminar in Sociolinguistics
G12022 영어사연구 Studies in the History of English
G12023 화용론 Pragmatics
G12024 코퍼스영어학 English Corpus Linguistics
G12025 언어학이론사 History of Linguistic Theory
G12026 심리언어학 Psycholinguistics
G12273 의미론Ⅱ Semantics Ⅱ
G12274 음운론Ⅱ Phonology Ⅱ
G12275 통사론Ⅱ Syntax Ⅱ
G12276 응용언어학 Applied Linguistics
G12277 영어교육방법론 English Language Teaching Methodology
G12278 음성학 Phonetics
G12279 음운론연구 New Developments in Phonology
G12280 통사론연구 New Developments in Syntax
G12281 철학적의미론 Philosophical Semantics
G12282 역사비교언어학 Historical and Comparative Linguistics
G12283 언어습득론 Language Acquisition
G12284 영한대조언어학 English-Korean Contrastive Linguistics
G12285 영어학주제연구Ⅱ Current Issues in English Linguistics II


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