visualEwha’s history follows a proud trail of outstanding pioneers. 000



Introduction to Studies in English Literature

G11959 영문학학제연구 Interdisciplinary Approaches to English Literature
G11960 낭만주의영시 English Romantic Poetry
G11961 현대영미시연구 Studies in Modern British and American Poetry
G11962 16세기영시연구 Studies in the Sixteenth- Century English Poetry
G11963 초서 Chaucer
G11964 영시세미나 I Seminar in English Poetry I
G11965 19세기영소설 The Nineteenth-Century English Novels
G11966 20세기영소설 The Twentieth-Century English Novels
G11967 19세기미국소설 The Nineteenth-Century American Novels
G11981 최근영국소설연구 Studies in the Contemporary British Novel
G11983 미소설세미나 Seminar in the American Novels
G11985 소설이론 Theories of the Novel
G11987 셰익스피어 Shakespeare
G11989 20세기영국희곡 The Twentieth-Century British Drama
G11991 영미희곡세미나 Seminar in British and American Drama
G11993 현대비평세미나 Seminar in Contemporary Literary Criticism
G11995 문화이론연구 Theories of Cultural Studies
G11996 문화연구특수과제 Special Topics in Cultural Studies
G11998 탈식민주의연구 Seminar in Postcolonial Literature
G12000 근대성과문학 Modernity and Literature
G12002 영문학교수법 Pedagogical Issues in Teaching English Literature
G12004 특수과제연구Ⅰ Seminar in Literary TopicsⅠ
G12006 영문학주제연구II Topics in English Literarture II


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