영문학연구입문 |
Introduction to Studies in English Literature
G11959 |
영문학학제연구 |
Interdisciplinary Approaches to English Literature |
G11960 |
낭만주의영시 |
English Romantic Poetry |
G11961 |
현대영미시연구 |
Studies in Modern British and American Poetry |
G11962 |
16세기영시연구 |
Studies in the Sixteenth- Century English Poetry |
G11963 |
초서 |
Chaucer |
G11964 |
영시세미나 I |
Seminar in English Poetry I |
G11965 |
19세기영소설 |
The Nineteenth-Century English Novels |
G11966 |
20세기영소설 |
The Twentieth-Century English Novels |
G11967 |
19세기미국소설 |
The Nineteenth-Century American Novels |
G11981 |
최근영국소설연구 |
Studies in the Contemporary British Novel |
G11983 |
미소설세미나 |
Seminar in the American Novels |
G11985 |
소설이론 |
Theories of the Novel |
G11987 |
셰익스피어 |
Shakespeare |
G11989 |
20세기영국희곡 |
The Twentieth-Century British Drama |
G11991 |
영미희곡세미나 |
Seminar in British and American Drama |
G11993 |
현대비평세미나 |
Seminar in Contemporary Literary Criticism |
G11995 |
문화이론연구 |
Theories of Cultural Studies |
G11996 |
문화연구특수과제 |
Special Topics in Cultural Studies |
G11998 |
탈식민주의연구 |
Seminar in Postcolonial Literature |
G12000 |
근대성과문학 |
Modernity and Literature |
G12002 |
영문학교수법 |
Pedagogical Issues in Teaching English Literature |
G12004 |
특수과제연구Ⅰ |
Seminar in Literary TopicsⅠ |
G12006 |
영문학주제연구II |
Topics in English Literarture II |