Hello, This is GLEO.
You can apply for [College English] and [Advanced English] courses only in your college division. Please refer to the table below to register for this Summer Session.
인문계열 Humanities |
인문대 |
College of Humanities |
영어교육과,국어교육과 |
English Education, Korean Language Education |
스크랜튼학부(자유전공) |
Scranton Honors Program |
융합콘텐츠학과 |
Content Convergence |
사회계열 Social Sciences |
사회대 |
College of Social Sciences |
사범대 |
Education, Early Childhood Edu., Elementary Edu., |
경영대 |
College of Business |
법대 |
College of Law |
국제학부 |
국제사무학과 |
International Office Administration |
자연계열 Natural Sciences |
자연대 |
College of Natural Sciences |
공대 |
College of Engineering |
과학교육과,수학교육과 |
Science Education, Mathematics Education |
스크랜튼학부(뇌인지과학부) |
Scranton(Brain&Cognitive Sciences) |
의예과 (~19학번까지는Writing & Discussion) |
Pre-Medicine |
식품영양학과,융합보건학과 |
Nutritional Science &Food Management, Health Convergence |
약대 |
College of Phamacy |
인공지능 |
College of Artificial Intelligence |
간호대 |
College of Nursing |
*건강대(체육과학부 제외) |
College of Health Sciences (except Kinesiology &Sports Studies) |
예체능계열 Arts &PE |
조형대 |
College of Art &Design |
음대 |
College of Music |
의류산업학과,체육과학부 |
Fashion industry, Kinesiology &Sports Studies |
**You can register for course only in your college division.
**Registration for the Summer Session can be made after more than 4 semesters are completed (You cannot register for Summer Session until you have completed the 4th semester. If the 2023-1 semester is your 4th semester, you cannot register for this Summer Session because your grades have not been completed.) or if you are re-takers of College English or Advanced English.
※Inquiries about Summer Session: epo@ewha.ac.kr, 02-3277-2165
(When you send an inquiry email, please write yourname and student number.)
Thank you.