Academic Englishwill offer chances toexplore different types/genres of reading so that students candevelop critical thinkingabilitiesneeded for their future use. Based on the skills learned from the readings, students will also tryto form their own arguments.Students can take this coursewithout being too concerned of their English proficiency. Students who would like toread and discuss in Englishare all welcome!If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her via email. (
Academic English: 3 credits
Instructor: Yu Kyung Helen Han
Spring 2023
※ Registration confirmation and change period:
:09:00 Thurs., Mar. 2, 2023 - 15:00 Wed., Mar. 8, 2023
#대학원 진학, 공인영어시험 등 준비 위한 기초 실력 향상!
#영어강의 이수 학점 취득(일반 교양 영어)
#인문역량강화사업 CORE교과목.