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  •  구남훈님의 사진입니다.
    구남훈 (Namhun Koo)
    One of my research interest is security of cryptosystems based on multivariate quadratic equations, a candidate for Post-Quantum Crypotgraphy. Especially, I study about algebraic key recovery attack using good keys, the best known attack on Rainbow signature scheme which is a Round 2 candidate of NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization. Moreover, I study about variants of Rainbow signature scheme such that one can reduce the complexity of this algebraic key recovery attack.
    Another one of my research interest is vectorial Boolean function which can be used in substitution box(S-box) of symmetric cryptosystem. In particular, I study about finding vectorial Boolean functions with low differential uniformity, low boomerang uniformity, low differential-linear uniformity, and high nonlinearity for a secure S-box.