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Globalization and Localization in the Age of Trans-Boundaries님의 사진입니다.
Title Globalization and Localization in the Age of Trans-Boundaries
Author EIH
Publisher Ewha University Press
Date 2010
Series Trans-Humanities_4

This body of research recognizes the critical importance of glocalization and cultural communication, and aims to provide a new paradigm based on humanities that can offer a solution to regional conflicts. Therefore, trans-boundary discourses are closely examined, while concepts such as peoples, nations, citizens, diaspora, and cultural boundaries are also discussed within the context of humanities.



제1부 탈/경계의 담론
전체성과 그 잉여들: 정치철학과 문화기호학을 중심으로 _ 김수환
숭고의 윤리에서 미학의 정치로: 윤리 담론의 세계화에 대한 비판적 고찰 _ 진은영
“아담아(사람아), 네가 어디에 있느냐?”(창세기 3:9): 기후 변화와 신학적 응답 _ 장윤재

제2부 경계의 해체와 재구성
“그것은 역사다. 고향의 역사이자 세계의 역사다!”: 뷜 반핵운동에 나타난 지구지역성 _ 고유경
대한민국 국적법 제정과 ‘국민’ 경계 설정 _ 김수자
전쟁·폭력·여성: 오키나와 전장의 기억을 중심으로 _ 차옥숭
정보재 가치 논쟁: 특별잉여가치와 지대에 관한 쟁점 - 강성윤

제3부 디아스포라와 문화 혼종성
카프카의 「재칼과 아랍인」에서 읽는 디아스포라 문제 _ 김연수
패싱, 동화와 디아스포라: 이창래의 『제스처 인생』 _ 이선주
19세기를 사는 21세기의 그녀들: 개신교 도시 미혼 여성의 젠더 의식과 문화 혼종성_ 백소영

[Trans-Humanities Series]

"Trans-Humanities" is the study of the relationship between human beings in trans-cultural phenomena whose cultural boundaries are drastically broken up and reshaped in a rapidly changing society. It aims at self-examining making a boundary which causes confrontation between different studies, and further, developing a research model playing a role of bridge between academic study and daily life.

To accomplish this purpose, "Trans-Humanities" has strengthened the relationship with other studies not only in humanities but also those in social science, art and natural science. Plus, it has expanded the scope of existing research in humanities to overall culture and studied about various points of trans-boundaries, listening voices of the marginal and minority group. "Trans-Humanities" is developing a model for anthropology in the future, which is able to adapt to a swiftly changing media atmosphere and seek a harmony between human and technology, and it has put much efforts to connect academic study to daily life, reinforcing the practical aspects of humanistic knowledge and seeking a more public-friendly atmosphere.

"Trans-Humanities Academic Book Series" is designed by Ewha Institute for the Humanities to reflect research results by EIH Trans-Humanities Research Team, and after the issues of glocality, gender and multimedia, this series is made to intensify the research for trans-humanities by the themes of "cultural exchange and hybridity," "post-humanism and human" and "trans-boundary imagination and reconstruction of humanistic knowledge." The EIH expects "Trans-Humanities Academic Book Series" to propose a new direction for humanities and lead a creative and future-oriented humanities.

EIH Book Series

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