

데이터(질적자료) 게시판 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
76 Age-Friendly Cities & Communities Literature Review(2014)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 431 -
75 AGE-FRIENDLY NYC: New Commitments For A City For All Ages(2017)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 428 -
74 Aging in Place Guide for Building Owners(2016)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 644 -
73 How Age-Friendly is Ottawa? An Evaluation Framework to Measure the Age-Friendliness of Ottawa (2017)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 407 -
72 City of Ottawa older adults plan 2015-2018 (2015)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 383 -
71 Accessibility design standards(2015)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 360 -
70 City of Ottawa Older Adult Plan 2012-2014 (2012)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 389 -
69 Finding the right fit age-friendly community planning(2013)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 441 -
68 Resilience in aging concepts, research, and outcomes(2011)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 380 -
67 New York cty and Atlanta: Cities plan or the aging population(2012)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 405 -
66 A great place to grow older: A case study of how Manchester is developing an age-friendly city(2011)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 385 -
65 Manchester city council report for resolution(2017)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 437 -
64 Design for access 2(2003)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 366 -
63 City of Ottawa older adults plan 2015-2018(2015)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 362 -
62 Senoir housing in New York city: The coming crisis(2013)  연령통합고령사회연구소 2019-03-14 406 -
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