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연구분야 대사성 증후군의 발병 및 치료기전
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사무실/연락처 의학관(마곡) 713호 / 02-2650-5733
이메일 parkym@ewha.ac.kr
박영미 교수는 의학전문대학원 분자의과학교실 소속 교수로 내과 전문의인 동시에 세포생물학을 전공한 이학박사이다. 이화여대 의과대학 및 대학원 석사과정을 마친 후 미국 Case Western Reserve University에서 이학박사학위를 받았으며 동맥경화증, 당뇨병을 포함한 비만과 관련된 대사성 증후군의 발병 및 치료기전에 대한 다수의 연구를 진행하고 있다. 2009년 동맥경화증을 일으키는 대식세포 저류 기전을 밝힌 논문으로 생물학정보센터(BRIC)의 ‘한국을 빛내는 사람들’에 선정되었으며, American Heart Association ATVB council이 선정하는 Young Investigator Award, North American Vascular Biology Organization이 선정하는 Junior Investigator Award, Robert C. Tarazi Fellowship Award for Cardiovascular Research(Cleveland Clinic), Lester O. Krampitz Research Award (Case Western Reserve University) 등 다수의 수상경력이 있다.

- 연구 논문

A multi-kernel and multi-scale learning based deep ensemble model for predicting recurrence of non-small cell lung cancer PEERJ COMPUTER NCE, 2023, v.9, e1311
Oral Porphyromonas gingivalis infection affects intestinal microbiota and promotes atherosclerosis Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2023, v.50 no.11, 1553-1567
Plasma Membrane Localization of CD36 Requires Vimentin Phosphorylation; A Mechanism by Which Macrophage Vimentin Promotes Atherosclerosis FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, 2022, v.9, 792717
Comprehensive DNA repair gene expression analysis and its prognostic significance in acute myeloid leukemia HEMATOLOGY, 2021, v.26 no.1, 904-913
Vimentin Deficiency Prevents High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Insulin Resistance in Mice DIABETES & METABOLISM JOURNAL, 2021, v.45 no.1, 97- Scopus KCI dColl.
Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Soluble Ninjurin-1 Ameliorate Atherosclerosis CIRCULATION, 2020, 1736-1751
Oxidized LDL induces vimentin secretion by macrophages and contributes to atherosclerotic inflammation JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 2020, 973-983
Shockwaves Suppress Adipocyte Differentiation via Decrease in PPAR gamma CELLS, 2020, v.9 no.1, 166
Prdx1 (peroxiredoxin 1) deficiency reduces cholesterol efflux via impaired macrophage lipophagic flux AUTOPHAGY, 2018, v.14 no.1, 120-133
Macrophages programmed by apoptotic cells inhibit epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung alveolar epithelial cells via PGE2, PGD2, and HGF ntific Reports, 2016, v.6
Novel PET Imaging of Atherosclerosis with Ga-68-Labeled NOTA-Neomannosylated Human Serum Albumin JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 2016, v.57 no.11, 1792-1797
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Promotes Macrophage Foam Cell Formation via Reduced Expression of ATP Binding Cassette Transporter-1 (ABCA1) PLOS ONE, 2015, v.10 no.6
Oxidized LDL induces phosphorylation of non-muscle myosin IIA heavy chain in macrophages BMB REPORTS, 2015, v.48 no.1, 48-53 KCI Scopus dColl.
An Assessment of Survival among Korean Elderly Patients Initiating Dialysis : A National Population-Based Study PLOS ONE, 2014, v.9 no.1, e86776
CD36, a scavenger receptor implicated in atherosclerosis EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2014, v.46 KCI Scopus dColl.
Far-infrared radiation inhibits proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells by suppressing secretory clusterin levels CANCER LETTERS, 2014, v.346 no.1, 74-83
Hyaluronic Acid Induces COX-2 Expression via CD44 in Orbital Fibroblasts From Patients With Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL NCE, 2014, v.55 no.11, 7441-7450
A multi-kernel and multi-scale learning based deep ensemble model for predicting recurrence of non-small cell lung cancer PEERJ COMPUTER NCE, 2023, v.9 no.1311, 1-20
Extracellular Vimentin Alters Energy Metabolism And Induces Adipocyte Hypertrophy DIABETES & METABOLISM JOURNAL, 2023, v.48 no.1, 1-18
Oral Porphyromonas gingivalis infection affects intestinal microbiota and promotes atherosclerosis JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, 2023, v.50 no.11, 1553-1567
Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Soluble Ninjurin-1 Ameliorate Atherosclerosis CIRCULATION, 2020, v.142 no.18, 1736-1751 SCI
Shockwaves Suppress Adipocyte Differentiation via Decrease in PPAR gamma CELLS, 2020, v.9 no.1, 166-166

- 학술발표

Microbiome changes in oral and gut of murine model under accelerating factors of atherosclerosis, western diet and Porphyromonas gingivalis The 12th International Congress on Lipid & Atherosclerosis with Asia-Australia Vascular Biology Meet, 대한민국, 광주, 2023-06-09 GICS2023, 2023
Porphyromonas gingivalis infection accelerates atherosclerosis through inducing oral and intestinal microbiome in western-fed murine model SHVM (Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism) 2023 Twentieth Annual ntific Sessions, 오스트리아, Graz, 2023-06-26 SHVM 2023; Cardiovascular disease in the metabolic syndrome: Linking metabolism, inflammation and heart disease, 2023, 98-98
Porphyromonas gingivalis infection and western diet accelerates atherosclerosis by causing dysbiosis of the oral and intestinal microbiome in murine model The 12th International Congress on Lipid & Atherosclerosis with Asia-Australia Vascular Biology Meet, 대한민국, 서울, 2023-09-15 ICoLA 2023 in conjunction with AAVBM, 2023, 237-237
Relationship between extracellular vimentin and ER stress in adipocytes 21st Gwangju International Interventional Cardiology Symposium, 대한민국, 광주, 2023-06-09 GICS 2023, 2023
Role of vimentin in atherosclerosis The 12th International Congress on Lipid & Atherosclerosis with Asia-Australia Vascular Biology Meet, 대한민국, 서울, 2023-09-15 ICoLA 2023 in conjunction with AAVBM, 2023, 114-114
Role of vimentin, an intermediate filament protein in metabolism and inflammation 1st Joint Cardiovascular nce Symposium (SHVM 2023), 오스트리아, Graz, 2023-06-28 1st Joint Cardiovascular nce Symposium, 2023, 5-5
Cellular lipid trafficking & Cholesterol homeostasis The 11th international congress on lipid and atherosclerosis with Asian-Pacific Society of AVD, 대한민국, 서울, 2022-09-15 ICoLA 2022 with APSAVD, 2022
Role of Vimentin, an intermediate filament protein in metabolism and inflammation 2022 Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Vascular Biolody and Medicine, 대한민국, 서울, 2022-11-26 2022 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Vascular Biolody and Medicine, 2022, 102-103
Role of vimentin in metaflammation 대한고혈압학회 고혈압기초연구회 동계 심포지엄, 대한민국, 서울, 2022-12-10 고혈압기초연구회 동계 심포지엄, 2022, 5-5
콜레스테롤의 흡수, 합성, 및 대사 한국지질∙동맥경화학회 제1회 A to Z 연수강좌, 대한민국, 서울, 2021-12-04 한국지질∙동맥경화학회 제1회 A to Z 연수강좌, 2021
Shock-wave Therapy for Atherosclerosis & CAD: Bench to Bedside 한국중재의료기기학회 2020년 추계학술대회, 대한민국, 2020-11-06 Korean Interventional Medical Devices Society, 2020, 30-31
Updates in therapeutic approach of atherosclerosis Hypertension Busan 2020, 대한민국, 부산, 2020-08-07 Hypertension Busan 2020, 2020


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