
ERITS 이화여자대학교 통역번역연구소는 국내통역번역학 정착에 기여하고 세계적 경쟁력을 갖추겠습니다.


Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (ERITS) has been publishing interpretation and translation studies series with the participation of the members of the institute. ERITS is actively introducing publications related to interpretation and translation by translating theories of interpretation and translation published in different languages into the Korean language, and finding and translating quality publications not only from western countries but also from Asian countries, such as China and Japan.
In addition, the Institute has been publishing books on translation studies through Ewha Womans University Press, and it publication includes an annual journal T&I Review. The Institute is contributing to interpretation and translation studies in Korea in both quantitative and qualitative ways by conducting such publication works. ERITS is playing a leading role in further developing translation and interpretation education and professional practice. In order to develop expertise of the graduates, it has been offering refresher courses for practitioners and holding workshops including training of trainers. At the request of companies and government agencies, ERITS has been engaged in training of corporate employees and public servants. Since 2013 the Institute has been operating various non-degree courses including Business Interpreting and Translation Course, Legal Interpreter Training Course, and Legal Translation Specialist Course in order to expand the scope of education business and provide specialized training in the field of translation and interpretation.

Ewha GSTI's Certification Examinations

Since the founding of Ewha GSTI, we have implemented graduation examinations and conference interpretation certification examinations. The graduation exam is held after the student has completed four semesters of the master's course. Those who pass the exam graduate with a master’s degree in Interpretation Studies and are eligible for the interpretation certification exam.


The certification exam is offered once annually(in June) and an individual can take the examination a total of five times with no limit to time span for taking the exam. The name of the interpretation certification examination, initially called the 'conference interpretation qualification examination', has officially been changed to the 'conference interpretation certification examination' in 2001. Starting from the second semester of 2004, the translation certification examination is also available to Ewha GSTI students who have graduated with a master’s degree in Translation Studies.   


The conference interpretation certification exam is the most distinguishing feature of Ewha GSTI’s Interpretation Department and at once its biggest strength. Individuals who have passed the certification exam are graduates who have the required skills to work as conference interpreters and they are contracted as simultaneous interpreters by ERITS.


Though the size of the translation market has grown by a large scale, the users of these services are still unaware of the extent to which translation is a specialized skill. Top translators are not given the acknowledgement that their skills merit and the translation market is characterized by disorder in which translated materials are not subject to proper evaluation. For this reason, Ewha GSTI has implemented a translation certification exam in order to nurture individuals who have been objectively evaluated to have the professional translation skills. Individuals who have passed the translation certification exam are qualified to have the priority in being contracted by ERITS.

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