A.G.E. Laboratory





홈페이지를 방문해주신 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.

Dr. Sujin Yang graduated from Cornell University with a Ph.D. in developmental psychology (USA). She completed her postdoctoral training at York University (Canada), University of Toronto Scarborough (Canada), and National University of Singapore (Singapore), where she worked in labs that focused on various topics in language/cognitive development (executive functions). She conducted interdisciplinary research using methods from several fields, such as developmental, cognitive/experimental, and cross-cultural psychology. Her main research interests are in how executive function development is modulated by language learning or cultural experiences, being bilingual, or being bicultural. Her study has recently shifted to positive psychology, focusing on topics including grit, mindset, passion, constructive failure, calling, and mindfulness, to highlight a few. She also employs a lifespan perspective to examine topics including parenting, attachment, smartphone addiction, and successful aging. 


  •                 Post-doc., York University (Canada)

  • Post-doc., University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (Canada)

  • Post-doc., National University of Singapore (Singapore)

  • Ph.D., Cornell University (NY, USA)

  • M.A., Cornell University (NY, USA)

  • Previous Employment

  •                 Research Professor, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)
  •                 Adjunct Professor, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  •                 Assistant Professor, Tyndale University College (Toronto, Canada)


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