본 행사는 연세대학교 - 보건복지부 - 세계보건기구 서태평양지역사무처(WHO WPRO) 주관의 행사로, 세계보건기구(WHO)에 Young Junior 진출 관련 컨설팅을 목적으로 진행됩니다.
1) Introduce WHO’s roles and activities to young Korean professionals;
2) Orient young Korean professionals of WHO’s recruitment practices;
3) Coach young professionals on CV writing and interview; and
4) Attract more young talent to the Organization.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of WHO’s role in international health.
They will also become familiar with WHO’s recruitment process, CV writing, and competency-based interviews.
[Date and Place]
The event will take over two days, from September 22nd to 23rd, 2023, at Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
· Day 1(September 22nd): Baekyang-nuri, Grand Ballroom
· Day 2(September 23rd): Baekyang-nuri, International Conference Room
[Co-Hosting Organization]
· World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO)
· Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea
· Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
* Day 1 : Open to all registered participants
* Day 2 : Open on a first-come, first-served basis for participants who sign up
· Day 1 : Opening Remarks
WHO Overview
Recruitment Process
CV and Cover Letter Writing
Written Test Theory and Practice
Competency Based Interview Theory and Practice
Experience in WHO (Group Discussion)
Q & A
Comments on the Workshop
· Day 2 : One-on-one consultations on CV, Test and Interview
[Pre-registration Required]
* No specific format or length restrictions for CV and Cover Letter.
* CV and Cover letter should be submitted.
1) ※※※ No Pre-registration fee required ※※※
2) Provide personal information through the pre-registration link - https://forms.gle/YE8izaMqNisJGi6fA
3) CV (Resume; should include: “Experience / Education / Background / Training / Others”)
4) Cover Letter (Introduction of oneself)
* If you have any problems uploading your resume and cover letter on the form, please send your files to an e-mail right below; including your name and phone number on it.
- E-mail: gowho2023@gmail.com
We warmly extend our invitation to those who share an interest in the World Health Organization(WHO).
This program has been customized to cater to university juniors (3rd - 4th year) up to graduate students (participants of all ages are welcome).
Once you complete the pre-registration, we will provide further instructions, along with a confirmation email at a later date.
For any inquiries, please direct them to the following email addresses:
- E-mail: (WHO WPRO) suhi@who.int
- E-mail: (Yonsei University) j1ee24@yuhs.ac
세부 프로그램은 위의 포스터를 참고 하여 주시길 바랍니다.