일 자
[11월 30일 특강] Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Its Applications

Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Its Applications


연사: Kristin Lauter (Microsoft 연구소)
일시: 2012년 11월 30일(금) 오전 11시
장소: 포스코관 461호


In the last 25 years, Elliptic Curve Cryptography has become a
mainstream primitive for cryptographic protocols and applications.
This talk will give a survey of elliptic curve cryptography and its
applications, including applications of pairing-based cryptography
which are built with elliptic curves. No prior knowledge about
elliptic curves is required for this talk. One of the
information-theoretic applications I will cover is a solution to
prevent pollution attacks in content distribution networks which use
network coding to achieve optimal throughput. One solution is
based on a pairing-based signature scheme using elliptic curves. I
will also discuss some applications to privacy of electronic medical
records, and implications for secure and private cloud storage and
cloud computing.

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