From riddles to optimal codes
연사: 김현광 교수(포항공과대학교 수학과)
일시: 2012년 11월 7일 (수) 오후 4시
장소: 이화-포스코관 강의실
This is an introductory lecture for coding theory. We start from
a riddle which appears in elementary school homework book, and modify the riddle
a little.
We solve the modified riddle by introducing the concept of ´Hamming
distance´ which is one of the most basic notion in coding theory. To attack the
modified riddle theoretically, we introduce the concept of ´optimal codes´. We
review some of methods developed by coding theorists such as Hamming, Plotkin,
Delsarte, and Schrijver, in studying optimal codes. Finally we introduce our
recent results on optimal codes.