Article No.
Investing Well by Investing for Good?

ISR vol.14 no.1



Investing Well by Investing for Good?:

Exploring the Motivations of Socially

Responsible Investors*


Hannah Jun**


Investments in socially responsible investing (SRI), an investment process that integrates environmental, social, and governance considerations into investment decision-making, have grown rapidly in many areas around the world. But compared to the growth of SRI investments on a global level, there is little clarity in the academic literature about why investors would choose to imple-ment such a strategy. This paper attempts to highlight key theories and approaches to understand the motive-tions of socially responsible investors and, in doing so, provide a more robust theoretical framework that under-pins the recent global phenomenon.


KeywordsSocially Responsible Investing, SRI, Investor Behavior, Corporate Social Responsibility

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