학교는 방역지침 및 전문가의 자문을 거쳐 4월 16일(금)까지 비대면수업과 출입통제를 연장하기로 하였습니다.
구성원들의 안전을 최우선으로 하여 내린 결정이오니 아래 사항에 대해 협조를 부탁드립니다.
비대면수업이 4월 16일(금)까지 연장됩니다.
- 외부인은 출입이 제한되며 정문 후문, 공학관문에서 학생증 또는 교직원증 확인 후 출입이 가능합니다.
- 정문, 북아현문, 북문, 공학관문 차량 출입이 통제되며 후문으로만 입출차가 가능합니다.
- 정기권을 이용하는 차량 이외의 출입차량에 대해서는 탑승자 확인 및 발열 체크 후 입차가 가능합니다.
※ 출입통제는 상황에 따라 변경 가능하며, 배달 오토바이도 차량에 준하여 통제합니다.
[Online Teaching & Access Restriction Extended until Friday, April 16]
After expert consulation and careful consideration of quarantine guidelines, the University has decided to extend the period of conducting classes online and restricting building access to visitors until Friday, April 16. This decision was made to ensure the safety of the Ewha community; all members are asked to cooperate.
All classes will be held online until Friday, April 16.
[Access to Campus]
- Entrance to campus will be restricted. A student, faculty or staff ID must be presented at the Front, Back, and Engineering Building Gates to enter.
- Vehicle access will only be allowed at the Back Gate; vehicle access will be restricted at the Front, North Ahyeon, North, and Engineering Building Gates.
- Vehicles without regular passes will be allowed access after all passengers have been identified and temperature checks completed.
※ Vehicle access restriction policies may change depending on the situation. Delivery motorcycles will need to go through the same process as cars.
During the period classes are being held online, events should not be held or conducted virtually if inevitable.
[Using Multi-use Facilities]
- Please refrain from using multi-use facilities as much as possible. Seats will not be available.
- All fitness centers will be closed during the month of April.
[University Health Center]
Due to the Education Building additional confirmed case (March 31), the Health Center will be closed until April 9.
In case of an emergency, please contact 3277-3178.
To keep the Ewha community safe and reduce the transmission of COVID 19 as much as possible, please ensure to abide by all government and University guidelines.
위의 내용은 유레카 마이홈 화면 왼쪽 중간에 COVID-19 관련 긴급공지에서도 확인 가능합니다.