Article No.
Conference on the theme of “Crisis of Trust in Party Politics, Reflection, and Evolution”

 Conference on the theme of “Crisis of Trust in Party Politics, Reflection, and Evolution”


The Institute for International Trade and Cooperation (IITC), together with The Korean Association of Party Studies and East Asia Institute, cordially invite you to a conference on the theme of “Crisis of Trust in Party Politics, Reflection, and Evolution”. The conference is scheduled for March 29th from 13:00 to 18:00 at the International Education Building (rooms 1001 and 1002) in Ewha Womans University.

The conference aims to address key issues concerning Korean party politics and democratic governance in the context of the 2012 Presidential election. Election analysis of the 18th Presidential Election, Korean party analysis, and comparative analysis are used to shed insight on various topics such as party rebranding and changing voting behavior in Korea. The conference also discusses the impact of the Ahn Chul-Soo phenomenon, media, generations, regions, and ideologies on Korean democracy.

The opening speech  of this meaningful event is delivered by Byoung Kwon Sohn, the Chairman of Korean Association of Party Studies. Nae-Young Lee, the Chairman of Public Opinion Research Center in East Asia Institute, will deliver a congratulatory speech and Kisuk Cho, the Dean of Institute for International Trade and Cooperation, will deliver the welcoming speech.

The conference consists of the following four sessions:

1st session: Analysis on the voting behavior of the 18th presidential election of South Korea I

2nd session: Party Rebranding

3rd session: Analysis on the voting behavior of the 18th presidential election of South Korea II

4th session: Trust in Parties and Democratic Governance: Ewha Global Top 5 Project

We look forward to your interest and participation to achieve a greater understanding on this important theme of ‘Crisis of Trust in Party Politics, Reflection, and Evolution’.

Thank you. 

Institute for International Trade and Cooperation

Ewha Womans University

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