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[안내] 이화영미학융합연구소 JEAS 16권 2호 Call for Papers

이화여자대학교 영미학융합연구소에서 발간하는 저널 Journal of English and American Studies (JEAS) 16 2 투고 안내입니다.


(1) 학술지 소개

The Journal of English and American Studies (2002~) is an academic publication that seeks to provide a forum for discussing English and American culture from a de-centered, and global perspective. The editors welcome contributions on all aspects of English and American studies, literary and non-literary, which make an original and important contribution to the field. Our understanding of “English” culture includes all English speaking cultures, including but not limited to the culture of the British isles. Submissions deploying interdisciplinary perspectives or methodologies, or addressing contemporary theoretical and cultural concerns are especially encouraged.


(2) 투고 규정

투고 마감일은 7 15()이며 모든 투고/심사과정은 온라인논문투고시스템(,JAMS) 통해 진행하고 있습니다. 투고를 희망하는 분들은 영미학융합연구소 JAMS 사이트에서 회원가입 하신 학술지>논문제출>Journal of English and American Studies 선택하신 이후 업로드 과정을 진행해주시면 됩니다.


투고 논문은 반드시 영문논문이어야 하며, 수업에서 제출한 term paper 등도 환영합니다.


자세한 투고규정 방법은 아래 Submission Guidelines에서 확인해주시기 바랍니다.


투고과정에 어려움 혹은 문의사항이 있으실 경우 ieas@ewha.ac.kr 연락 주시길 바랍니다.

투고비와 심사비가 없는 만큼 석사 과정생들을 포함한 많은 분들의 투고 부탁드립니다.





JEAS Submission Guidelines


I Publication Schedule

JEAS is published twice annually on February 28 and August 31. Submissions can be made at any time, but the deadlines for the two issues are January 15 and July 15 respectively. The deadline can be extended up to 15 days depending on number of submissions.


II Submission Topics

We will only accept articles that have not been previously published. The topic of submissions may include but is not limited to literary criticism, linguistics, aesthetics, history, or cultural theory.


III Qualification for Submission

Submissions will be limited to those engaged in graduate studies (M.A. or PhD) or holders of graduate degrees.


IV How to Submit

All submissions must be made through JAMS (http://ieas.jams.or.kr).


V Submission Guidelines

Only submissions in English will be accepted. Submissions must follow the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing for literary topics and APA for topics in linguistics. All submissions must be accompanied by an English abstract (250-300 words), Key words (5-10), and Author contact information (mobile phone number, email address). The length of submitted papers must be between 5,000 to 7,500 words, in Times New Roman 10pt font, single-spaced.


VI Copyright

Copyright for published articles will be held jointly by the author and the Ewha Institute for English and American Studies. Any partial or complete re-publication of published articles must receive permission from both parties.


VII Web Publication of Journal

All published JEAS articles will be registered with KCI of the Korea Research Foundation and can be accessed free of charge by the public at www.kci.go.kr.


VIII Research Ethics

All submissions must follow the Guidelines for Research Ethics.


첨부파일 첨부파일:
다음글 [공고] 2018-2학기 참여대학원생 모집 안내
이전글 [안내] 국제화경비(단기해외연수) 활용 기준 안내