Article No.
AISR Call for Papers 2016. Vol. 17 No. 2

Asian International Studies Review (AISR-연구재단등재논문모집


저널이름이 International Studies Review (ISR) 에서 Asian International Studies Review (AISR)  2016, Vol 17. No 1부터 바뀌었습니다새롭게 단장한 홈페이지  이메일을 통해 논문을 공모하고 있습니다.



From June 2016 (Vol. 17, No.1) the International Studies Review (ISR) became the Asian International Studies Review (AISR). Please consult out new website A registered journal at the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the approved journal for publication by members of the Korea International Studies Association (KISA), the AISR invites scholarly contributions for our Volume 17, Number 2 (December 2016). We look forward to your participation.


 1. Asian International Studies Review (AISR)


 2. Field: original, previously unpublished work on any aspect of international studies


 3. Submission deadline and publication date


vol. no.

Submission deadline

Publication date

vol.17 no. 2

September 15, 2016

December 31, 2016


  4. Format:


Please send submissions online at or via email in Microsoft Word to If you send your manuscript via email, include cover letter (the author’s full contact information), abstract (maximum 200 words) and key words (6-10 words) in the email. Also, download our ‘Statement of Ethical Contribution to AISR’ at our website and send the form with all the authors’ signatures. For detailed manuscript submission guidelines, please refer to 'NOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS' or visit our website


    5. Information: IITC AISR Editorial Board

    Tel: 82-2-3277-3628 / Fax: 82-2-3277-3627 / E-mail:


Asian International Studies Review


The AISR is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal (published biannually in June and December) under the supervision of Ewha Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) and Institute for International Trade and Cooperation (IITC). Since the first publication in December 1997, the AISR has actively advanced research on contemporary international challenges. Past issues have included papers from a broad spectrum of fields related to international studies, including international economics, international politics, international law, international business, development cooperation, and cultural studies.





이화여자대학교 국제대학원 국제통상협력연구소에서 발간하는 한국연구재단 등재학술지Asian International Studies Review (저널이름이 International Studies Review (ISR) 에서 Asian International Studies Review (AISR)  2016, Vol 17. No 1부터 변경입니다새롭게 단장한 홈페이지  이메일을 통해 다음과 같이 논문을 공모하고 있습니다연구자 여러분들의 적극적인 투고를 환영합니다아울러 주변의 많은 분들께서 투고 하실 있도록 널리 알려주시기 바랍니다.


1. 간행물명Asian International Studies Review 17 2


2. 공모주제 : 국제학 일반 (다른 학회나 기관에 제출된 논문은 출판에서 제외)


3. 논문 접수 마감일 발행 예정일



논문 접수 마감일

발행 예정일

17 2

20169 15

2016 12 31



4. 투고자격 : 관련 분야 연구자 박사과정 이상


5. 제출 형식 : 온라인  이메일 투고 (MS WORD로만 작성).




6. 논문 제출처 : AISR 담당자


7. 문의국제통상협력연구소 AISR 편집위원회


Tel: 02-3277-3628 / Fax: 02-3277-3627 / E-mail: 

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