Article No.
공공외교 효과성 평가에 관한 연구

MOFA research project on effectiveness and assessment of PD(public diplomacy)

공공외교 효과성 평가에 관한 연구


1st Meeting

Date & Time: Oct 15 (Wed), 10:30am-12:00pm
Place: IEB #1001
Participants: Prof. Kisuk Cho, Prof. Heewon Cha, Prof. Jihyun Kang, Prof. Hochang Shin (Seogang Uni.), Bora Yoon, Hwajung Kim
1. Prof. Cha presented on "Effectiveness of PR and its Implications" and previous research work with Government Information Agency of South Korea.
2. Discussion on how to incorporate PR assessment with PD
3. There is a need to consider two phases of assessments: first, assessment on PD activities at "present"; second, assessment PD outcomes at "future", which includes APDI (Advanced PD Impact) and PART (Program Assessment Rating Tool).


2nd Meeting

Date & Time: Oct. 30th (Thurs) 10:00am-12:00pm

Place: IEB#803


1. Analysis on internal assessment of MOFA
2. Analysis on Media Reputation


3rd Meeting

Date & Time: Nov. 12th (Wed),10:00am-12:30pm 
Place: IEB #803


1. Public Diplomacy Strategic Board

2. River Path Associate

3. Evaluation and Measurement Unit, Office of Policy, Planning and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

4. Business Intelligence Software


4th Meeting

Date & Time: Nov. 26th (Wed), 10am

Place: IEB #803


1. Briefings on Prof. Howe's book/research about Korean PD by his assistant

2. Details about measurement tools of UK PD institutions (FCO, British Council) by Sung-Kyung

3. Further follow-ups on US PD measurement and overview of Sweden PD by Grace

4. Survey results about MOFA PD evaluation by Hwajung 


5th Meeting

Date & Time: Dec.4th (Thurs) 9:45-11:30am

Place: IEB #803


Further develop the first report

Analysis on survey results

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