Article No.
Trust seminar 7

Trust Seminar 7

·        Date: August 23, 2013

·        Time: 12:30 - 14:30

·        Venue: International Education Building #803

·        Participants: Prof. Kisuk Cho, Prof. Young-sook Nam, Prof. Wonseok Woo, Prof. Hyun S. Shin, Dr. Hye Yun Park, Hwa Jung Kim, Soeun Kim

·        Contents:

1.    Co-op related background data on five countries in EU (Spain, Italy, UK, Germany, France) was reviewed by Soeun Kim.

2.    Brief history and descriptive explanations on co-operatives of USA, Japan and Korea were presented by Hwa Jung Kim.

3.    The last plan of the trust experiment was discussed. It would be held on 26th and 27th of August.

4.    CSR questionnaire for the post-experiment survey was confirmed.

5.    Next meeting will be on September 16th, and it will be about sharing experiments and following up on co-ops by Soeun Kim and Hwa Jung Kim. Prof. Woo may lead discussion on financial cooperatives.

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