Article No.
16th colloquium - Women, Social Capital, and Social Entrepreneurship


Institute for International Trade and Cooperation would like to invite you to our sixteenth faculty colloquium.




Monday, September 29th, 2014
4:30 pm-6:00pm (Dinner will be provided)
#1002 Seminar Room, International Education Building

“Women, Social Capital, and

Social Entrepreneurship”



Presenter: Prof. Hye Yun Park


Hye Yun Park is an Invited Professor in the Department of International Studies at Ewha Womans University’s Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS). She earned her Ph.D. in International Studies at Ewha in 2012. Her doctoral thesis analyzes the effectiveness of aid institutions in Sweden and Korea by employing Elinor Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD Framework). She first became familiar with the Framework’s theoretical and methodological foundations during her Master’s training at Indiana University in the US and has incorporated it into her research ever since. Right after earning her Ph.D., she participated in the Ewha Global Top 5 Project as a post-doctoral researcher from 2012–2013. Her research topics include institutions of development aid, polycentric governance for sustainable development, and the political economy approach to social capital. Recently, she has worked on several projects about social enterprises in Korea, aid ownership, and global public-private partnership for sustainable development. She has been teaching various subjects concerning international political economy and international relations at Ewha Womans University, Dongguk University (Seoul campus), and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul campus).





Although the rise in women’s social entrepreneurship is one of the most notable economic phenomena in recent years, it has been largely unexplored in academic research. The present study is a novel attempt to shed light on the empirical question of which individual factors drive women to become supportive of and involved in social enterprises. The study mainly draws on the social capital theory with regard to the explanation of the role of associational life and generalized trust in forming men’s and women’s attitudes towards social enterprises. A nation-wide survey of 1,200 adults was conducted in 2014 in South Korea. By examining the nexus between women-social capital-social entrepreneurship, the present research is intended to make contributions to both social capital theory and the emerging field of research on social entrepreneurship.



* This colloquium is supported by the Ewha Global Top 5 Grant 2014 of Ewha Womans University and Ewha GSIS












Ewha Womans University
Institute for International Trade and Cooperation
11-1, Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-750, Korea
Tel: (82-2) 3277-3628, 3629
Fax: (82-2) 3277-3627 

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