Article No.
9th Colloquium - Ownership in Swedish Development Aid: Social Capital Implications for Aid Effectiveness


Institute for International Trade and Cooperation would like to invite you to our ninth faculty colloquium.

Monday, April. 22th, 2013
5:00pm-6:30pm (Dinner will be provided) 
International Education Building 1001

Ownership in Swedish Development Aid: Social Capital Implications for Aid Effectiveness

Presenter: Post-Doctoral Researcher. Hye Yun Park

(Institute for International Trade and Cooperation, Ewha University)

Hye Yun Park is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Ewha Womans University in the Institute for International Trade and Cooperation (IITC). She participates in the Ewha Global Top 5 Project of Social Capital, Democratic Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). She earned her Ph.D from the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Ewha in 2012. Her doctoral research focused on analyzing the effectiveness of aid institutions through the lens of new-institutionalism. Her research interest includes aid ownership, social capital, and political actions. She has also been teaching globalization, international organizations, sustainable development, and regional integration in Dongguk University (Seoul Campus) and Ewah GSIS.



Although aid community has recognized the imperative of partner countries' ownership for better aid since the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, what exactly constitutes ownership and how it can be realized in practices have been hardly clarified. The present study particularly focuses on inclusive ownership through which those who are directly affected have a voice in decision making processes. The argument is that giving ownership to local beneficiaries may lead not only to the efficient management of aid results but also to the enhanced development capacity by engendering social capital. In reality, however, donors face a number of institutional challenges to make this happen. The paper studies Swedish development aid as a case, trying to shed light on the possibilities and obst acle s offered to individual donors in their pursuit of inclusive ownership.

* This colloquium is supported by the Ewha Global Top 5 Grant 2011 of Ewha Womans University and Ewha GSIS


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