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[정책보고서] Age-Friendly Cities & Communities Literature Review


22. Age-Friendly Cities & Communities Literature Review


- 발행년도: 2014


- 발행처: University of South Australia


- 주요내용: This report summarises the current literature on the development of age-friendly cities and communities around the world. The review was undertaken by the University of South Australia on behalf of the City of Unley to help inform its Age Friendly Strategy. The purpose of the review was to examine key literature relating to age-friendly cities and communities, to provide examples of best practice in implementation and to identify challenges that cities have encountered in developing age-friendly initiatives. The research examined literature in peer-reviewed journals, documents from the World Health Organisation (WHO), reports of age-friendly initiatives in Australia and overseas and other grey literature relevant to age-friendly environments. The information presented here aims to distil best practice in the development of age-friendly cities initiatives, outline some of the challenges encountered and make suggestions for how the City of Unley, and other councils in South Australia, can effectively work towards becoming more age-friendly.


- Link: https://ouderenvriendelijkbuitenveldert.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/age-friendly-cities-and-communities-a-literature-review1.pdf


<Table of Contents>

- Introduction

- Ageing in place

- The growth of age-friendly cities

- The WHO’s Age-friendly Cities Program

- Developing an age-friendly community

- Good practice in designing an age-friendly city

- Examples of good practice in developing age-friendly environments

- The challenges of developing age-friendly initiatives

- The process of becoming age-friendly

- What next for the age-friendly movement?


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