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[정책보고서] New York cty and Atlanta: Cities plan or the aging population

13. New York cty and Atlanta: Cities plan or the aging population



- 발행년도: 2012


- 발행처: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University


- 주요내용: Many municipalities, especially smaller ones, may find it daunting to undertake a comprehensive initiative. However, most local governments can take at least basic steps, and a regional planning agency or nonprofit organization may have capacity, expertise and access to additional resources to lead a larger initiative. As more municipalities across the country begin to act, new evidence will emerge on how local governments can address the changing needs of their aging residents.


- Link: http://s3.amazonaws.com/mildredwarner.org/attachments/000/000/181/original/c63bbcf692ec7da9f1478dc2613cf85b

<Table of Contents>

- A Look at the Initiatives

- Lessons for Local Governments

- Resources

- References

다음글 [정책보고서] Resilience in aging concepts, research, and outcomes
이전글 [정책보고서] A great place to grow older: A case study of how Manchester is developing an age-friendly city