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[정책보고서] A great place to grow older: A case study of how Manchester is developing an age-friendly city

12. A great place to grow older: A case study of how Manchester is developing an age-friendly city


- 발행년도: 2011


- 발행처: Manchester City Council


- 주요내용: Manchester’ older residents together with statutory, voluntary and independent agencies are leading the development of partnership work and supporting varied initiatives to improve elders’ quality of life in Manchester. They aim to tackle the city’ health and other inequalities and address specific challenges of growing older in deprived urban areas. Manchester Valuing Older People last year published its ageing strategy and the city has now joined the global network of age-friendly cities. This paper describes progress and some of the current issues and opportunities.


- Link: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.5042/wwop.2011.0119


<Table of Contents>

- Introduction

- Valuing Older People

- Ageing in cities

- Manchester a tough patch

- WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities

- The Manchester ageing strategy Manchester: A great place to grow older 20102020

- The Manchester ageing strategy (MAS) objectives

- Measuring progress

- Looking forward

- Conclusion


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