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[정책보고서] Manchester city council report for resolution

11. Manchester city council report for resolution


- 발행년도: 2017


- 발행처: Manchester City Council


- 주요내용: This report provides the Executive with an update on work undertaken to refresh Manchester’ Ageing Strategy, Manchester a Great Place to Grow Older (2010 - 2020), to ensure it reflects upon and addresses the economic and social change that has occurred in the City since its publication in 2009. It provides the Executive with the content of the newly refreshed strategy, which covers the period 2017 - 2021 and sets out to define what an Age-friendly Manchester might look like in four years’time


- Link: https://democracy.manchester.gov.uk/documents/s2560/Our%20Ways%20of%20Working%20report.pdf


<Table of Contents>

- Introduction

- Strategic Context

- Background to the Refresh

- The Strategy Refresh Process

- Key Priorities of the Refreshed Strategy

- Next steps

- Recommendations


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