일 자
[정책보고서] Toward an age-friendly New York City: A findings report


5. Toward an age-friendly New York City: A findings report


- 발행년도: 2008


- 발행처: The New York academy of medicine


- 주요내용: This Findings Report presents the major themes heard during the last year. A Technical Report with more detailed information about the City and its older population, the detailed data collected in the assessment process, and reviews of the literature will be released separately. A third report with concrete recommendations for action will be issued in late 2008, following the first annual Age-Friendly New York City summit.


- Link: https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/aids/providers/conferences/docs/nyam_age_friendly_report.pdf


<Table of Contents>

- Introduction

- About the initiative

- Methodology

- Key findings

- Where do we go from here?

- References


다음글 [정책보고서] A research and evaluation framework for age-friendly cities
이전글 [정책보고서] Falls among adults aged 65 years and older in New York city