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[정책보고서] Age-friendly NYC: Enhancing our city's livability for older New Yorkers


Age-friendly NYC: Enhancing our city's livability for older New Yorkers


- 발행년도: 2009


- 발행처: The New York city council, the New York academy of medicine


- 주요내용: In September 2008, NYAM released a findings report that highlighted the key issues raised in the town hall meetings and focus groups, as well as in conversations with the academic and nonprofit sectors. NYAM then convened four work groups(Academia, Civil Society, Health and Social Services, and Business and Labor) to further engage representatives from these sectors. This report represents the next stage in our work. We have identified and recommended a series of initiatives that will position New York as an agefriendly city in the decades to come in response to feedback from City agencies, community leaders, other interested stakeholders and, most importantly, older New Yorkers. While the initiatives are grouped into four main areas-community and civic participation; housing; public spaces and transportation; and health and social services-they span all domains and will benefit New Yorkers of all ages


- Link: https://nyam.org/media/filer_public/67/20/67204ef9-a18e-4b3f-b561-34de0fa6b341/nyc_age_friendly_reportenhancing-livability.pdf

- Executive Summary

- Timeline and Select Initiatives

- Introduction

- Initiatives

- Next Steps

다음글 [정책보고서] Falls among adults aged 65 years and older in New York city
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