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[정책보고서] Manchester: A great place to grow older


Manchester: A great place to grow older


- 발행년도: 2017


- 발행처: Manchester city council


- 주요내용: Since March, the Age-Friendly Manchester team has been reviewing and refreshing Manchester's Ageing Strategy. Manchester: A Great Place to Grow Older 2017-2021 is the result of an extensive period of consultation with services, colleagues, partners and older people themselves. Manchester’s current ageing strategy is called Manchester: A Great Place to Grow Older (20102020). It was launched in 2009 and sets out the vision and priorities for Manchester to become an age-friendly city: a place in which people in mid- and later life are economically, physically and socially active, and where they are healthier, safe, informed, influential, independent and respected. Since the strategy’s launch in 2009, alongside significant changes in the national and regional political context, the city has experienced major economic and demographic change. While the strategy’s original priorities are just as relevant as they were when first published, an update is now timely.


- Link: https://www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/news/launching-manchester-great-place-grow-older-2017-2021


- Executive summary

- Age-friendly Manchester: the story so far

- Our history

- Aging in Manchester: where we are now

- 2017 strategy: the bigger picture

- Our three key priorities

- Priority one: Age-friendly communities and neighbourhoods

- Priority two: Age-friendly services

- Priority three: Promoting age equality

- Delivering and developing


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