
문헌자료 게시판 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
42 세대갈등 해소를 위한 정치/입법과제  김문정 2017-10-24 374 -
41 [해외저널] ntergenerational friendships of older adults: why do we know so little about them? O'Dare, C. E., et al.(2017). Ageing & Society, 1-16.  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-09-04 210 -
40 [해외저널] The future of intergenerational learning: redefining the focus? Bottery, M. (2016). Studia paedagogica, 21(2), 9-24  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-09-04 199 -
39 [해외저널] Intergenerational Support and Intergenerational Social Support Among Elderly. Mohamad, N., et al. (2016). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-09-04 210 -
38 [해외저널] Intergenerational Strategies for Sustaining Strong Communities. Kaplan, M., Sanchez, M., & Hoffman, J. (2017). Springer International Publishing  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-09-04 274 -
37 Intergenerational Strategies for Sustaining Strong Communities  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-08-23 183 -
36 [해외저널] Cross-age friendship in 25 European countries  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-08-23 268 -
35 [해외저널] “Move or Suffer” Is Age-Segregation the New Norm for Older Americans Living Alone?  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-08-23 180 -
34 [해외저널] Are societies with a high value on the Active Ageing Index more age-integrated?  연령통합고령사회연구소 2017-08-23 195 -
33 [해외저널] Aging and Spectro-Temporal Integration of Speech. John H. Grose, Heather L. Porter, Emily Buss. Trends in Hearing. 2016-20권-1-11호.  김문정 2017-01-31 335 -
32 [해외저널] Development of a Multidimensional Scale of Social Integration in Later Life. Heather R. at al. Research on Aging. 2015-38권-1호. pp3-25.  김문정 2017-01-31 304 -
31 [해외저널] Developing Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in Australia. Hal Kendig, at al. Journal of Aging and Health. 2014-26권-8호. pp1390-1414.  김문정 2017-01-31 289 -
30 [해외저널] Preparation for old age in different life domains Dimensions and age differences. Anna E, et al. International Journal of Behavior Development. 2013.  김문정 2017-01-31 259 -
29 [해외저널] Life satisfaction and feeling in control: Indicators of successful aging predict mortality in old age. Maja W, et al. Journal of Health Psychology.   김문정 2017-01-31 278 -
28 [해외저널] Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities. Tine Buffel, Chris Phillipson, Thomas scharf. Critical Social Policy. 2012-32권-4호. pp5  김문정 2017-01-31 263 -