
문헌자료 게시판 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
20 [해외저널] Age Trends in Daily Social Contact Patterns. Benjamin Cornwell. Research on Aging. 2011-33권-5호. p598-631.  김문정 2017-01-31 266 -
19 [해외저널] Mental Health Care for our Ageing Australian Population. Hassett Anne, Fortune Tracy, Smith Brad, Australasian Psychiatry. 2007-15권-6호. p480-483. 4p.  김문정 2017-01-31 232 -
18 [해외저널] Aspirations for Older Age in the 21st Century: What is Successful Aging?. Bowling, A. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. 2007  김문정 2017-01-31 255 -
17 [해외저널] The creation of age-friendly environments is especially important to frail older people , JANE M. CRAMM et.al, Ageing & Society , 2016, p1-21  김문정 2017-01-26 251 -
16 [해외저널] The relationships that matter: social network site use and social wellbeing among older adults in the United States of America, REBECCA P. YU et.al  김문정 2017-01-26 250 -
15 [해외저널] Longitudinal changes in social networks, health and wellbeing among older Koreans ,KIM, B., PARK, S.and ANTONUCCI, T.C, Ageing and Society, 2016,36(9)  김문정 2017-01-26 262 -
14 [해외저널] Measuring active ageing among older adults in Singapore , LIM, E.Z.K. and THOMPSON, C.L, Ageing and Society, 2016,36(9), pp1853–1869  김문정 2017-01-26 240 -
13 [해외저널] The task of time in retirement, EKERDT, D.J. and KOSS, C, Ageing and Society, 2016,36(6), pp1295–1311  김문정 2017-01-26 241 -
12 [해외저널] An intergenerational family perspective of bridging gaps between reality and ideality of second couplehood as a problem and as a solution, KOREN, C.   김문정 2017-01-26 242 -
11 [해외저널] Organizational Responsibility for Age-Friendly Social Participation: Views of Australian Rural Community Stakeholders, Rachel Winterton.  김문정 2017-01-26 211 -
10 [해외저널] A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation of developmental patterns in experiential well-being, Hudson, Nathan W. 외, Psychology and Aging  김문정 2017-01-26 224 -
9 [해외저널] The impact of age stereotypes on source monitoring in younger and older adults. ,Kuhlmann, Beatrice G 외, Psychology and Aging, 2016, 31(8), pp875-889  김문정 2017-01-26 215 -
8 [해외저널] The role of meta-perceptions and social norms in the prediction of perceived age discrimination., Vauclair, Christin-M et.al, Psychology and Aging  김문정 2017-01-26 225 -
7 [해외저널] Ageing, Leisure, and Social Connectedness: How could Leisure Help Reduce Social Isolation of Older People?, Vera Toepoel, Social Indicators Research  김문정 2017-01-26 250 -
6 [해외저널] Civic Socialising: a revealing new theory about older people's social relationships, STEWART, J., BROWNING, C., SIMS, J, Ageing and Society,2015,35(4)  김문정 2017-01-26 230 -
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