
문헌자료 게시판 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
50 [해외저널] Older people and COVID-19: Isolation, risk and ageism  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 210 파일아이콘
49 [해외저널] A global campaign to combat ageism  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 100 파일아이콘
48 [해외저널] Ageism and COVID-19: What does our society’s response say about us?  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 217 파일아이콘
47 [해외저널] Visibility Patterns of Gendered Ageism in the Media Buzz: a Study of the Representation of Gender and Age Over Three Decades  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 208 파일아이콘
46 [해외저널] The contribution of volunteering and a wider asset based approach to active ageing and intergenerational solidarity in Europe  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 232 파일아이콘
45 [해외저널] Family, state, class and solidarity: re-conceptualising intergenerational solidarity through the grounded theory approach  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 188 파일아이콘
44 [해외저널] Understanding and Managing Intergenerational Conflict: An Examination of Influences and Strategies  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-20 241 파일아이콘
43 [해외저널] Intergenerational Participatory Design: contributions to the development of an App  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-19 153 파일아이콘
42 [해외저널] Using Technology to Connect Generations: Some Considerations of Form and Function  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-19 200 파일아이콘
41 [해외저널] Not Only Virus Spread: The Diffusion of Ageism during the Outbreak of COVID-19  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-18 177 -
40 [해외저널] Modern Senicide in the Face of a Pandemic: An Examination of Public Discourse and Sentiment About Older Adults and COVID-19 Using Machine Learning  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-18 190 -
39 [해외저널] Ageism: we are our own worst enemy  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-06-18 200 -
38 [해외저널] How does a (Smart) Age-Friendly Ecosystem Look in a Post-Pandemic Society?  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-04-11 319 -
37 [해외저널] Can Age-Friendly Planning Promote Equity in Community Health Across the Rural-Urban Divide in the US?  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-04-11 257 -
36 [해외저널] Active Aging: Social Entrepreneuring in Local Communities of Five European Countries  연령통합고령사회연구소 2021-04-11 287 파일아이콘
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