일 자
[해외저널] The role of meta-perceptions and social norms in the prediction of perceived age discrimination., Vauclair, Christin-M et.al, Psychology and Aging

What do older people think that others think of them, and does it matter? The role of meta-perceptions and social norms in the prediction of perceived age discrimination, Vauclair, Christin-Melanie; Lima, Maria Luísa; Abrams, Dominic; Swift, Hannah J.; Bratt, Christopher, Psychology and Aging, 2016, 31(7), pp699-710


What do older people think that others think of them, and does it matter? The role of meta-perceptions and social norms in the prediction of perceived age discrimination.


Vauclair, Christin-Melanie; Lima, Maria Luísa; Abrams, Dominic; Swift, Hannah J.; Bratt, Christopher




age discrimination, older people, meta-perceptions, social norms, European Social Survey

Series/Report no.

2016 Volume 31, Issue 7 (Nov)


Psychological theories of aging highlight the importance of social context. However, very little research has

distinguished empirically between older people’'s perception of how others in their social context perceive

them (personal meta-perceptions) and the shared perceptions in society (societal meta-perceptions). Drawing

on theories of intergroup relations and stereotyping and using a multilevel perspective, this article examines

how well older people’'s perceptions of age discrimination (PAD) are predicted by (a) older people’'s personal

meta-perceptions, (b) societal meta-perceptions, and (c) social norms of intolerance toward age prejudice.

Aging meta-perceptions are differentiated into the cognitive and affective components of ageism. Multilevel

analyses of data from the European Social Survey (Nover 70 years of age 8,123, 29 countries; European Social

Survey (ESS) Round 4 Data, 2008) confirmed that older people’'s personal meta-perceptions of negative age

stereotypes and specific intergroup emotions (pity, envy, contempt) are associated with higher PAD. However,

at the societal-level, only paternalistic meta-perceptions were consistently associated with greater PAD. The

results show that a few meta-perceptions operate only as a psychological phenomenon in explaining PAD,

some carry consonant, and others carry contrasting effects at the societal-level of analysis. This evidence

extends previous research on aging meta-perceptions by showing that both the content of meta-perceptions

and the level of analysis at which they are assessed make distinct contributions to PAD. Moreover, social

norms of intolerance of age prejudice have a larger statistical effect than societal meta-perceptions. Social

interventions would benefit from considering these differential findings.


노화의 심리적 이론은 사회적 맥락의 중요성을 강조함. 그러나 노인 개인의 인식과 사회에서 공유된 인식을 비교한 연구는 거의 없음. Aging meta-perceptions은 노인차별의 정서적, 인지적 요소에 따라 달라짐



- personal and societal Meta-perceptions

- Theoretical Consideration

- Method

- Results

- Discussion

- References



다음글 [해외저널] The impact of age stereotypes on source monitoring in younger and older adults. ,Kuhlmann, Beatrice G 외, Psychology and Aging, 2016, 31(8), pp875-889
이전글 [해외저널] Ageing, Leisure, and Social Connectedness: How could Leisure Help Reduce Social Isolation of Older People?, Vera Toepoel, Social Indicators Research